The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

CHAPTER 34- Shorter Days, Longer Nights.

Now that it was a little colder, the biggest little rooster had another excuse to get to bed earlier than the Ladies. He made it his job to warm up the roosts for the Ladies. He was determined to make sure the Ladies never figured out he was afraid of the dark.
The night was so much longer now. The biggest little rooster knew he was very safe inside his coop, but that knowledge didn’t make him less afraid. Everything sounded different in the chilly darkness. The trees were almost completely bare, and the wind blew the dead little branches off the trees and onto the coop. At times the sound made the biggest little rooster almost jump off the roost.
He didn’t sleep the whole night through. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t sleep that long. He would sit there looking out the window, just waiting for daylight. He wanted badly to get up and stretch, but that might wake the Ladies. Not only that, but he might fall, and it was still too dark to see. Sometimes, when he looked down from the roost, it was so dark the biggest little rooster imagined the floor was thousands of feet below.
The big trucks out on the road would travel back and forth all night. Every so often, a driver would put on the noisy brakes, and it would rumble loudly. The biggest little rooster could feel the roost shake, and hoped he wouldn’t fall into the bottomless pit below. Nighttime sure was scary.
The days were definitely shorter. There didn’t seem to be as much time to do things. Of course, being penned up, there wasn’t much to do anyway. He guessed it all evened out, in a way.
The Ladies were being a little testy. Being penned up ruffled their feathers as much as the wind. They didn’t complain too often but they weren’t as pleasant. It wasn’t miserable, or even bad, but he did long for the carefree days of summer. He wondered if it would ever be sunny and warm again.
The biggest little rooster found ways to entertain everyone. He would stand up on his log, and call everyone to gather around. They would play “Rooster Says”, a game like “Simon Says”. He came up with some clever things too, or at least he thought they were clever. The best one was when Rooster Said to stand on your head.
Some days, a few of the girls didn’t participate. One would escape the run just about every day. The humanlady went on a lot of egg hunts thru the thick brush. She would take her rooster stick and a pair of shears to cut the sticky bushes. The biggest little rooster and the ladies would stand in a little line looking out watching her. They talked about how it is nice to be little. When they walked through the brush, they didn’t need to take a stick and shears. Humans were silly!
One day, when humanlady was out looking for escaped chicken eggs, something strange happened. The humanlady said, “ Look, it’s snowing”! None of them knew what that meant. The biggest little rooster noticed something odd. Little white bugs were falling out of the sky. Millions of them! He alerted the Ladies and the little flock that there was treats falling from the sky. All of them started trying to catch the tiny white bugs. Some were trying to grab the bugs straight from the air, and others were waiting until they landed.
The biggest little rooster noticed two things- the bugs had absolutely no taste, and when they landed, they disappeared.
So sorry I haven't had a chance to read most of this story yet, but hopefully this week.

I think it will be more fun to read all of it at one sitting!!!
Awesome story! I love the "little white bugs"! lol
sooo cute! keep up the good work! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
Yea, the little white bugs were falling from the sky earlier today - first time for our girls, too! They're running around outside in this cold snain we're having - they don't care!

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