The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

You've had a rough couple of weeks!

That cat is Calliope (Callie for short), and she loves watching baby chicks. She doesn't hurt them, just huffs their fragrance and cuddles up under the brooder lamp. She gets as excited as I do when the bator comes back out (which it is this weekend
hee hee.. Bozo FatCat was NOT excited about the chickens. They used to follow him around pecking his butt..
This is pretty much what happened, only this time the dog wasnt hiding, or sleeping, or in the house.
RIP BiggestLittleRooster
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CHAPTER 42: The Biggest Little Roosters Last Adventure
It was a beautiful day outside. A little chilly, but the sun was shining brightly. The humanlady went out to bring the morning warm treat. Today’s treat was grits, with broccoli, carrots, and a little bit of ground beef. There were apples for dessert. As a special fun treat, she hung a half head of cabbage from the top of the run.
The little girl who always escapes had spent the night with the Ladies. The humanlady tried to get the little Houdini out of the Ladies run, but the little girl was too interested in the bowl of yummies. Every time she went to eat, though, one of the Ladies would chase her away. The humanlady couldn’t catch her, and the little group was waiting for their yummies. So the humanlady left the run door open.
Little WeeMan did not attack when the humanlady brought the food in. It was the first time he hadn’t attacked in a week. That was lucky for him, too, because he would have gotten flogged by the cabbage-on-a-string.
The humanlady watched both groups. She had that movie camera out again, and was waiting for someone to jump at cabbage. No one did. The biggest little rooster crowed a happy crow, because he was outside “ the pen”.

Next, the biggest little rooster and 3 of the ladies ran for the neighbor’s yard. The 4th Lady was in the nest box paying the rent. The Ladies ran under the fence. The biggest little rooster was right behind them. It took him a little longer to get under the fence because he had to squat down low in order to fit under.
They ran past the dog pen, over to the bush, and then made a beeline for the deck.

A very short time later, the biggest little rooster decided to show off. He jumped up on the fence that surrounds the neighbor’s dog pen. The biggest little rooster didn’t like jumping, so this was a very brave feat for him.
The Ladies didn’t notice his bravery. They were busy running amuck in the neighbor’s yard. They didn’t hear or see anything until the neighbor came out of his house. The Ladies ran up to the neighbor, as they always did.
The neighbor noticed feathers scattered all over the dog’s pen, and his heart sank. Tears came to his eyes as he went to tell the humanlady what happened.
The Ladies watched as the neighbor and the humanlady buried the biggest little rooster over by the medium little rooster and the Bozo FatCat ( whose headstone had arrived just a short while earlier). All the while, they talked about how wonderful the biggest little rooster was.
The Ladies weren’t sure what happened, but now their man was gone….

Now, the biggest little rooster was the star of this story. It all started when he was looking at the Ladies with love in his eyes. So, in a sense, the story ended all too soon.
However, there MIGHT be more. I am gathering eggs from the Ladies, and skand has volunteered to incubate them. I don't know what will become of it, but maybe there will be a biggest little rooster, jr in the future. If the eggs make it safely, and they are fertile, and they survive hatching- even if there is just 1- the story will continue....
Ohhhh...sad ending. Hopefully there will be a happy sequel. I'm so sorry about Biggest Little Rooster. He was quite the character!
Great job telling his story LilBizzy. Everyone says that the biggest pains make for the best stories.
Glad I could help you continue the story, and start the beginnings for future chapters.

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