The Building of my Hobby Farm *Update Post 11, 14, 21 & 39*

perchie.girl :

Great job.

A small suggestion though. I have three Nigerian Dwarfs and one Pygmy and they love to rub along the fences..... picure shoulder dug in an linebacker strength as they go along the wire. Its a goat thing. The Pygmy is the worst because hes beefier and has a talent for opening the wire up for the rest.

They have destroyed
about six dog kennel panels which are chainlink fastened with heavy wire at the bottom. My next enclosure will have a rub bar about that height made of a two by four or two by eight.... you could even cover it with the same kind of wire so they will get satisfaction on rubbing on it rather than destroying other wire fences. This is about knee height.

Also for play structures I hit up Craigs list and local Baby resale shops for Little tykes play structures. My goats have three One red yellow and blue cube One grey climbing structure and one partial swingset that has a platform. They are cleanable safe and you can move them around to give the grass a rest.

It doesn't show it yet, but there will be 3 2x4 parallel to the ground. One on the ground (to connect the electric to deter diggers), one 2 feet up (for the goats) and one at 4 feet. I am hoping that by doing this, I will have the strength I want, and also be able to add waterers and feeders anywhere I want.​
perchie.girl :

I adore my goaties. Even when they find out they can open the access door for under the house and eat all the insulation off my phone lines. And rearange the insulation under the house. Sheesh. All my fault....




It doesn't show it yet, but there will be 3 2x4 parallel to the ground. One on the ground (to connect the electric to deter diggers), one 2 feet up (for the goats) and one at 4 feet. I am hoping that by doing this, I will have the strength I want, and also be able to add waterers and feeders anywhere I want.

EGGcellent..... VBG...
love watching your progress on this project. Great job! I agree on the rub bar, my fanting goats will dig in and rub bowing the fence if given a chance. Also goats are herd animals and social will you be getting her a friend or two for company?




You think that's funny, huh?!?

I suppose you would also find it amusing that my free-ranging-thinks-he's-a-dog pygmy ate the license plate renewal sticker off the back of my car!!

It cost me $20 to replace it. You would have thought the people at the license branch would have given me a discount as they got such a laugh... but no.

But he's worth it... nothing warms the heart like having a goat running to meet the car when you come home. Not to mention the surprise he gives the delivery truck drivers.

And I agree about the fence rubbing. They start by rubbing up against it and before you know it they have it bent and they are out of there.

As the old saying goes... "A fence that won't hold water won't hold a goat."




You think that's funny, huh?!?

I suppose you would also find it amusing that my free-ranging-thinks-he's-a-dog pygmy ate the license plate renewal sticker off the back of my car!!

It cost me $20 to replace it. You would have thought the people at the license branch would have given me a discount as they got such a laugh... but no.

But he's worth it... nothing warms the heart like having a goat running to meet the car when you come home. Not to mention the surprise he gives the delivery truck drivers.

And I agree about the fence rubbing. They start by rubbing up against it and before you know it they have it bent and they are out of there.

As the old saying goes... "A fence that won't hold water won't hold a goat."







I almost pee'd in my pants from laughing at this one. HE ATE THE LICENSE PLATE RENEWAL STICKER?? !!!!!!!!

I have to tell this one to everyone here at the office.

Thanks for making my day. I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




You think that's funny, huh?!?

I suppose you would also find it amusing that my free-ranging-thinks-he's-a-dog pygmy ate the license plate renewal sticker off the back of my car!!

It cost me $20 to replace it. You would have thought the people at the license branch would have given me a discount as they got such a laugh... but no.

But he's worth it... nothing warms the heart like having a goat running to meet the car when you come home. Not to mention the surprise he gives the delivery truck drivers.

And I agree about the fence rubbing. They start by rubbing up against it and before you know it they have it bent and they are out of there.

As the old saying goes... "A fence that won't hold water won't hold a goat."

LOL When I adopted my goaties they had never been out of this womans back yard... bottle fed they spent their first months in the house and living room. Her husband was an officer in the military. They got their orders and had to move. So I adopted them through a mutual friend. Mind you I had had horses for fourty years I thought How hard would it be to keep goats.

When I went to pick them up All I had was a GEO METRO. I showed up with four brand new collars and leashes. And we proceeded to "Drag" then "Push" four protesting goats to the front yard. Where upon I picked each one up and put it in the GEO METRO. I had prepared the car with an old blanket layed in the back and a Mesh partition made of a stall guard Tied to the bottom of the seats and a rope tied up over the top of the car. Mind you there was room in the back of the car "Just". I was able to lift them all except for the pygmy... What a tub he was... I finally kind of dropped him on his side and rolled him in the back of the car. Each goat leash was handed to my NON farm son to keep them from jumping back out. I Got the hatch shut by compressing poor Domino just a little... Domio is the Pygmy. We said good by and off we went. There were goat faces in each window and Goat breath over my shoulder..... Whew but every one seemed to be interested in where they were going.

Here we were going through a major city getting to the freeway and OH MY GAWD you should have seen the double takes. So we hit the freeway for the sixty mile drive home and two of the goats settle down to chew their cud..... BURP oh Whew I had no idea..... We got a giggle out of that.... The RIPP.... And I spotted my San Diego Gas and elecrtic bill in Rikkis mouth.... Where in the heck did he get that. A quick grab and I got it from him. I couldnt save the cross word puzzle that was in the same seat pocket but I know when to choose my battles.

Of course a sixty mile trip takes about an hour. They all finally layed down..... unfortunately there was enough room to stand for all four.... but not enough room to lay down. Rikki layed down on top of Domino.... There was a bunch of shuffling around and when we got there Poor domino was pressed completely against the hatch.

Yep I got a bunch of goatie stories...... I love this smily it remindes me of their expressions when they are beeing ""cheeky"" to each other....
Today was a deadline day for us. The Chickens had to move out today, and Mary's goat Jolie comes home tomorrow. We just had to finish the details to the coop, and get the corral done.

While Mary finished up some of the painting, I worked on the Coop.

The Chicken Door finally got done.


The Coop Door (for the humans) is hung.


The Water Jug is hung, and the Roosting Poles are in.



Mary did a great job painting.


We then moved on to the corral.


I got the gate in.


We got very good at nailing in Fence Staples


And the chickens moved out!!!


Are we done yet... nope

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