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I totally agree
AWWWWW!!!! Gush, gush!!!
YOU guys that post the incredible pictures with the great stories and share the mascots with your families are what makes this effort work, not me...I am behind the curtain here remember!! We aren't in Kansas anymore, lol!! Don't ya'll beleive in the magic?!!

A great group here, you all make this fun and I really appreciate that soooo much!!!

I think Hippy Jim has a new Mascot to share too.......we shall see.........
I thought you should all see that Popper really is helping to clean up the oil mess he made.
He is so strong (and handsome
, but don't tell him; things like that seem to go to his head real quickly) and helped to move the freezer away from the oil spill...


Then, he thought he was so strong that he tried to move our pool out to winter storage all by himself...


Silly boy... we hated to laugh at him but he couldn't budge it so my boys had to help him...


Then he got his undies in a bunch because we laughed at him so he went and found some beautiful women who understood him and gave him the comfort he needed...


We apologized and suggested that he go have some fun on the tramp... so he and my son spent some time jumping around together...


Turns out he's pretty darn good on that tramp, he did front and back flips and got some real air....

The last I saw him he was hanging out with the fish, wishing he could go swimming with them...


He's headed to the mountains this weekend so I'll share his weekend with you all in a few days.
Looking forward to it! With all of those critters in your siggy, should be an interesting trip for the mascot!
Those are some GREAT Popper adventures, Chirpy! If you still want to get the oil out, try the Castrol degreaser in the purple jug. You can get it at Walmart in the automotive section. It won't hurt fabric, and I've used it for getting all kinds of grease/oil out of fabrics and off of surfaces. BTW, the wildlife rescuers use Dawn dishwashing liquid to break up oil on wildlife, and hwy departments have used it to break up greasy spills of different types of oils and grease on highways. Hope something works for you, if you decide to try. If not, Poppers will always have a story to tell...
Thanks for sharing his adventures!
Chirpy!!! I am laughing sooo hard over your pictures!!!! Those trampaline ones are hilarious and the heavy lifting ones are posed so well!!!! I see children's book writing in your future Chirps!!!

Hippy Jim!!! Dude, you ARE AWESOME!!!! Two new Mascots, thank you sooooooo much for being so thoughtful!!!!!! My sincere hope is that no one will Mascot-nap them from you...Please folks....the taking/damaging stops now..Howard was not even mine so whoever had problems with me actually hurt Ilovemywolves (Steph) fair please!!

Jim, when you are finished hosting, if you don't mind, let one Mascot stay at your house and have adventures ever now and again, like Popper will, and keep him in reserve....JUST IN CASE...and we can send the other one forward to the next person on the Rusty list. Do you have names for them?
Thank you again, you're the bomb
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hehehe,,, nope have NO idea who or where to send next,,, thats all that "extra" info that never really makes an inprint in my head lol,,,, so you'll have ta give it to me,,, and monday i have to send some eggs out to an old hippie dude ( i think he may be my illegitimate dad lol ) so ill send rusty2 on his way too. i dont do much other then work here at home,, so he'll get bored quick , so i dont need him long ,,, plus,, i think he's got something against hippies

EDIT: ta say ,,, look at my pic... if these get "napped" i will have your address ,,, and i HAVE surprised people over the internet,, and shown up at their front door
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ROTFLMBO!!!! DO NOT NAP THE NEW MASCOT or you WILL have Hippy Jim to deal with!!!
Did you name the Mascot that will be sent around first? I'll pm you Guitarists (Angie) address.
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