The Chickendad Chronicles

My best wishes for your recovery.

Something you might think of to make the computer easier is getting the Dragon, Naturally Speaking program. I was really skeptical at first when it was suggested to me (arthritis in my hands), but it really does learn how the user speaks and can be fairly accurate. Still have to proof it, mostly for punctuation, but when my hands hurt I still can take care of things, my web page, email and other boring stuff.

I was lucking and found it for less than half price. I have an older version by now, but haven't felt a need to upgrade since it is for my personal use.

Anyway, just an idea if you are going to have to limited use of your arm for a while.
Take care
Dear MrsChickendad, are you feeling better? Happy Turkey Day! Ours will be a small gathering since we are a small flock. Hope someone is cooking for you. Eat lots of turkey - it is good for you!
gently, Caroline
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Mrs Chickendad

.... and to all you lovely people over there on the other side of the pond
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here. While we will be having a very small spread for Thanksgiving, a chicken of all things....not one of mine
, I am thankful for my family, friends, and of course, my chickens.
I just wanted to say that I was completely devastated when I heard of Barbara's passing. I was an avid Barbara follower and I felt like I knew her and it was a tremendous loss for me as I know it was for you. She really reminded me of my speckled sussex Maggie, attitude and all! I am really glad you have decided to resume your great and entertaining chicken stories, I absolutely LOVE them! If I ever have the privilege of owning a barred rock hen I will definitely name her Barbara!! Hope you and your family and friends (humans and chickens) all have a wonderful thanksgiving!!
Chickendad Update

Mrs. Chickendad is still laid up with the aftermath of shingles, as well as a torn rotator cuff in her right shoulder. It is making her feel cranky, but she is trying to be good. There are many doctor appointments lined up in the near future, one with a surgeon, and the Chickendads know pretty much what he will have in mind.

Over in the chicken pens, most of the kids have stayed in where it is warmer. Not much to eat outside anyhoo. Mrs. Chickendad got a big head of kale to keep them busy, but she may as well have gotten a big bunch of poison ivy for all the attention they paid it.

Mama and the four surprise babies are doing well, except for being strange looking. The babies are the same size as Mama, who is a very fluffy bantam cochin. One baby is a silky cross with a crest, 5 black toes and smooth feathers. Another looks like a roadrunner. The third looks like an Araucana, and Mrs. Chickendad can't get close enough to the other one with her walker to tell what it is. Next time they get locked up at night, she will take the camera out and get a better idea. Just hope they are not all roosters!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who sent good wishes, cards, and prayers. Your kind words keep me going!

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