The Chickens Don't Like The Nesting Boxes


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
My chickens recently started laying and so we bought some plain white dishpans that fit perfectly in the nesting box, and cut a little out of the front so the chickens could step in them easier. I filled them with fresh shavings and put one ceramic egg in each. I left them like that, and when I came back to lock the door, the dishpans were on the other side of the coop, the shavings were spilled, the ceramic eggs against the opposite wall, and a single, brown egg was sitting on the floor, where the boxes were before. I collected the egg, put the dishpans back, threw a handful of fresh shavings in, put the ceramic eggs back, and when I came back in the was fine, except the shavings were thrown out a little, and the fake eggs out of the bins. So I placed the fake eggs in one more time. I came back later, and the dishpans were moved, and two eggs were in its place in the nesting box. I shook my head and took the dishpans out, seeing that the chickens wanted nothing to do with them.

I'm planning on putting them back, and this time putting a screw in the bottom so it stays put, or hot gluing it the floor, or maybe even stapling it down. But all of these things would ruin the nesting box, and I don't exactly want that. I may do the screw since I can take it out if needed, but I'd like more advice on this.

Also, why are the chickens so against the bins? They had fluffy, comfy shavings, an egg to show what to do with it (I think my pullets are geniuses and secretly know they are fake). Boredom, maybe? Any help, opinions, or advice would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
I have 3 nesting boxes. Two are fitted with kitty litter boxes and one is just the empty space. My 3 chickens all lay in the nesting box that's empty.

Inside both the kitty litter bins and the empty nesting box I have excelsior nesting pads. The hens seem to like it just fine and they can't kick them out like loose nesting materials. I used to have ceramic eggs in each box. My first 2 layers went about the business of laying and I found their eggs next to the dummy eggs. My third layer thought the ceramic eggs were recreational and rolled the one in the nesting box out before she laid. Now they seem to all enjoy rolling them all over the pine shavings in the coop. I've added a few more for their entertainment. After all, the point has been made. They know where to lay and all's well.

I do recommend the nesting box pads. The one they use every day got bare in the middle. I threw another one on top of it and now it's nice and "nesty" shaped so the eggs can just rest in the low spot.
I use dish pans for sanitation. If an egg breaks, it's not soaking into the wood. When I first put the pans in, I noted that when the girls stepped into them, they would tip, so, I screwed each pan in place with a fender washer and a single screw. Depending on the lay out of OP nest boxes, a single screw will do the trick, and it's easy to back out the screw when taking the pans out for a deep cleaning. If your nest box is not "secure" the girls won't use it.
I have to say, I recently gave mine a new nest box (to give an additional box), and they have done much the same, flipped it, moved it, pushed it clear out the pop hole onto the ramp :thI'm not sure if it's just a bit unstable (it's a basket) and it just flips when they get in/out of it, or if they are intentionally sabotaging the new nest basket. It's only been a few days and all the eggs have been in the old box so far. We'll see what happens. I'm probably going to screw it in place as well.
I weigh my plastic nest boxes down with a super heavy rock and place lots of hay over it. Chickens will normally kick about nesting material. Mine pick up strands of hay and place it just so while they wait for the egg to arrive. Now if you have two hens trying to use the same box you will have lots of nesting material thrown out. And if your box is not secure they will push it, knock it over, and other misconduct not approved by humans.
Can I ask why the dishpans? If the chickens like the nest boxes, why not just let them use those? xx
It’s a portable coop that sits off the ground, the nesting box comes out of the wall, like it pops out, and until this month it’s just been another part of the coop filled with normal shavings and bedding. The dish pans are the boxes they will sit in, because right now it’s just a square hanging off the coop.
This morning, I found a rubber feed bowl pushed over into the corner under the perches! Luckily they did so AFTER they got off roosts, and not BEFORE. Why they were compelled to play soccer with that food bowl is beyond my comprehension.

Most thing that chickens do are beyond my comprehension! I guess soccer with the food bowl was an alternative to hockey with the waterer or hide n seek with the eggs!! :lau

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