The Coolest Christmas Present Ever - From my chickens [Picture Added]

Picky Chicky

11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
Holly Grove, VA

Christmas eve afternoon while family was pouring into my home to celebrate, I thought it might be nice to go check on the chickens. Low and behold one of them left me a beautiful present - my first egg ever!! I had my entire family cracking up and laughing about it. What great chickens! My husband was just grateful that they decided to start paying the rent. Gotta love him!

Since the 24th, my sweet mysterious girl (I haven't confirmed which girl is laying yet) has been laying me an egg about every other day. I've gotten two good sized eggs, and one huge egg that I decided to eat. It was a double yolker!

I have to admit I couldn't get past the mental block that I was eating something that came from my chickens butt
.... I did try it, and it was quite tasty - even DH loved it.

Getting the eggs has sort of renewed the first time excitement of having chickens.

Happy new year everyone!

Here are the first two eggs (stupid me I didn't get the double yolker in a picture):
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congrats! Very nice picture

I kinda always knew which of my girls was laying. But confirmed it the other day when I caught her in the act.
Congratulations! What a nice Christmas gift, to know that now you'll be getting fresh eggs pretty much year-round. Chickens are the gift that keeps on giving!
Congrats on your first egg!! There really isn't anything as exciting as spotting that first one is their?

I think our chickens must be in cahoots with yours. We've had one (a Buff Orpington) of our 6 laying for a couple months now. Went out on Christmas Eve to find that our Dark Brahma decided to start. Today I went out to find our first ever blue egg!!
One of our Easter Eggers has begun (they're two month's younger than our other 4).
Now, if only our two Partridge Cochins who are already almost 9 months old
(and our other Easter Egger, though I'm sure she's soon to follow) will follow suit!
Congrats again -- hope you get some more double yolkers!!

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