The curse— RP

(I still have no clue what’s going on, but from what i’ve Read Rose has locked herself in a room to get away from ashling, Alana, and Rebecca and they’re getting joiento convince her to get out.)
Hixel had followed them and was outside of the room that(i think) rose was in (if she’s even still in the room)
“Wow” Anita gazed up at the spiralling branches that shot out from the tree “it’s amazing.” She saw a couple of crows on one of the branches “do you know them?”
“Yes!” Crow said. He was grinning, then his grin slowly faded as a crow noticed him and flew to a lower branch. She glared at him and started to scold him mercilessly. “Uh...” Crow seemed to shrink under her gaze. He looked away. “I was busy.” He muttered.
(I still have no clue what’s going on, but from what i’ve Read Rose has locked herself in a room to get away from ashling, Alana, and Rebecca and they’re getting joiento convince her to get out.)
Hixel had followed them and was outside of the room that(i think) rose was in (if she’s even still in the room)
(Okay, so basically Rose was torturing Rebecca to get the truth about Hixel out of her. Rebecca lied and said that there were hunters coming to kill Rose unless she changed her ways, and Rose freaked out. Then, as luck would have it, Alana and Ashling burst in and threatened Rose. Rose pretended to be a girl named Evelyn so that she could live, and then they went down to eat some cake. They ate cake, and then Alana pointed out that Rose was lying and that she was actually Rose, not Evelyn. Rose ran off and locked herself up in a safe room, telling the others to go and let her die. Ashling tried to sing to convince Rose to unlock the door and come out, but Rose's overpowered Ashling's. Anyway, somehow Alana convinced Rose to come out when they came back with Joie)

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