The Diet Doth Confuseth Me! (Renal Diet Thread)

Yeah, well, I still would have preferred the steak dinner. I’m not big on salmon. But they have this lemon dill sauce.....I swear you could put this stuff on a flip-flop and it would be delicious!

I did plan on getting a full blown celebratory dinner of my favorites, but March 5th is creeping up fast and we are working and praying so hard for an increase in my GFR. I was at 27 my last appointment.....I am thinking that being back up to 31-32 would make me deleriously happy! So I passed on the no-no’s and ate the yes-yeses. :lau And no Margarita, extra salt either. I had iced tea.
Life got in my way lately, but I'm happy to hear you are doing so well on the diet. And, hey, I would take salmon in a butter dill sauce over almost any other meal!!! My favorite!

Happy anniversary!!!

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