The Duck Report by Evadig

Still young usually the green starts around the time the hormones begin which can be anywhere for 4 months onward. Actually you might begin to see a change in head feathers around 3 months on. So Henry is still too young to know that way. What about voice any changes there?
The ducklings are six weeks old today. They have already learned to go into their pen at night (with a little bit of guidance as to where it is). The geese leave them alone for the most part now, but for some reason the turkeys had it in for them today. Thankfully my dog ran the turkeys off before they caused any injuries. Henry seems to have a curlier tail than the others so we’ll see if he is indeed a male. He quacks the least and is the most calm of the ducklings.
I have a question, though - I thought Welsh Harlequins didn’t have a brown head? The last picture from Murray McMurray Hatchery (where I bought them) of a WH.


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Today is hot and muggy, as if to give us one last chance at enjoying summer (colder days are forecasted soon), so everyone is trying to stay hydrated and out of the sun.

The little quackers have been free ranging nearly all day and no one has cause them too much trouble - except the geese have commandeered the pools. The ducks can’t get anywhere near them so I gave them a sprinkler shower which they enjoy playing in.

They are seven weeks today so I only have seven more weeks to find out if Henry is really a drake 🙂. In the meantime, Winnie’s feathers are just exquisite. In the sun their tint can range from teal to violet or even black.


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Eight weeks old yesterday! I let them stay out a little after I’d put everyone else to bed. The sunset was beautiful! I didn’t even edit this picture.
This morning the ducks were playing happily in their clean pool, and I meant to get a picture of them but I tripped and hurt my knee - I can’t even walk on it 😕. Anyway, I partitioned off part of the lawn for them so they can roam in peace without being chased by the geese. The geese hate them, even after eight weeks. Will they ever be able to coexist?


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We had one of them sunsets too it's my avatar.

Your ducklings are adorable. :love

As for the geese, how old are your geese? my pair was pretty tolerant of my ducks and chickens and since our gander died. Our female goose has bonded with the ducks and has actually taken over the 2 Runners that are now 11 weeks old both boys but she loves them and they love her. [She had to wait until their mama was done]

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