The Duck Thread

I havent been on here in a lil while...was just real busy getting everything ready for the holidays but now that i have a chance to breathe i wanted to share a lil bit of my excitement with everybody on here! Im sooo excited about it that ive shared it in a couple of different threads! Hehe! I got a goat for Christmas! Been wanting one for forever! He's a baby billy goat...have no idea what kind but hes sooo stinkin cute its unreal! His name is Billy the Kid & he's super lovey dovey! Almost just as adorable as he is is the fact that he sleeps in the chicken coop in the big bird hut with chick pea (my CX hen) & Quackers (my Pekin duck)...they all snuggle up together! We made him his own bed in the coop but he decided he'd rather snuggle with them! Lol! Here's a couple pics of him...

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I havent been on here in a lil while...was just real busy getting everything ready for the holidays but now that i have a chance to breathe i wanted to share a lil bit of my excitement with everybody on here! Im sooo excited about it that ive shared it in a couple of different threads! Hehe! I got a goat for Christmas! Been wanting one for forever! He's a baby billy goat...have no idea what kind but hes sooo stinkin cute its unreal! His name is Billy the Kid & he's super lovey dovey! Almost just as adorable as he is is the fact that he sleeps in the chicken coop in the big bird hut with chick pea (my CX hen) & Quackers (my Pekin duck)...they all snuggle up together! We made him his own bed in the coop but he decided he'd rather snuggle with them! Lol! Here's a couple pics of him...

He is adorable. Congrats on the Christmas present nothing better than something that adorable.

Just be cautious goats love to rear up in play and he may end up injuring your duck or hen just in play. Or head butting in play. My goats use to love to play rear up and then head butt. He's a doll though. Are you going to have him wethered?
probably spelled wrong
He is really cute but you might want to consider a companion goat. They do much better with a goat friend to play with. It already sounds like he thinks he is a chicken which, while really cute and sweet, could be dangerous in the long run for you birds. Goats really like to play and I think he probably has a sizable weight advantage to your ducks and hens.
My first time was not good either. We let one female go broody. Big mistake bc both females I had at the time started laying in one nest. Of course I didn't know which egg belonged to whom. Together they laid like 27 eggs and both sat on them. We got 4 hatched out of them all, and 3 survived. I said never again will I let ducks go broody.We kept the 3-2 drakes and a female. They all get along great and 6 are enough for us bc we don't have much land. I'm sorry you had a rough time but those babies are downright adorable. I also had no clue how fast they grow. Learned a lot this year about ducks. Mine are WH. What are yours?
WOW, that's a lot of eggs. My blue swedish is sitting on 14 eggs now. Their growth amazes me too. 3 WH from 14 eggs. 2 Swedish/KC from 14. I was hoping for more WH.

My friends ducks:


I havent been on here in a lil while...was just real busy getting everything ready for the holidays but now that i have a chance to breathe i wanted to share a lil bit of my excitement with everybody on here! Im sooo excited about it that ive shared it in a couple of different threads! Hehe! I got a goat for Christmas! Been wanting one for forever! He's a baby billy goat...have no idea what kind but hes sooo stinkin cute its unreal! His name is Billy the Kid & he's super lovey dovey! Almost just as adorable as he is is the fact that he sleeps in the chicken coop in the big bird hut with chick pea (my CX hen) & Quackers (my Pekin duck)...they all snuggle up together! We made him his own bed in the coop but he decided he'd rather snuggle with them! Lol! Here's a couple pics of him...

soooo cute!

He is really cute but you might want to consider a companion goat. They do much better with a goat friend to play with. It already sounds like he thinks he is a chicken which, while really cute and sweet, could be dangerous in the long run for you birds. Goats really like to play and I think he probably has a sizable weight advantage to your ducks and hens.
x2 Intact mature male goats have a horrendous odor. If you haven't planned on neutering him you might should
They grow waaayy too fast. I wish puppies would stay puppies... and I wish lings would stay lings, lol. We are 2 wko now.

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