The Duck Thread

Some more flock pics. I'm sure you're all just sick of them by now lol.

Biff thinks she's sneaky but she's not!

Some of my Metzer baddies (except Potato) looking like they're about to drop the most bomb album of the year.Tater, Michelle, Potato, Duckasaurus and Jeepers

The mallard sisters, Nachos and Lloyd

Duckasaurus applied her beauty mud mask

Jeepers and Tate lookin so pretty

The lovely and ever-plump Snowflake

The duck equivalent to hanging out at the water cooler

New kids on the block
You take such great pictures! Do you happen to have any mallard/buff hybrids?
I have a blue Swedish (which is black!) that has angel wing. She is 8 weeks old. The wing isn't bothering her since she can't fly, is there any reason to fix it? Or is she too old to fix it? They are free ranging during the day and cooped up at night.

Wrap her whole body in the wing section with tape or some bandage. This link should tell you all you need!

Is she too old for it now? This is her in the bottom left, you can just make out the wing sticking out.
Also, how do you deal with her getting in and out of the pool, will it hurt the vet wrap to get wet? I understand you need to leave it on for 7-10 days. She is free ranging during the day. Is this a problem?
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Is she too old for it now? This is her in the bottom left, you can just make out the wing sticking out.
Also, how do you deal with her getting in and out of the pool, will it hurt the vet wrap to get wet? I understand you need to leave it on for 7-10 days. She is free ranging during the day. Is this a problem?
I don't think she is too old, as long as you can get her wing into the correct position and keep it there with tape or bandages, she will be good! I think you should probably keep her out of the pool. Would it be possible to remove the entrance to the pool and only let them swim when you are there?

Just give her enough water to dip her head in, she doesn't really need to swim. Although she will be excited when she gets the bandage off. Let us know how she does, I hope I helped!
Are you treating this one? Or did he get better?

No, not yet. I just noticed them 2 days ago. I have him in a dog crate, and will wrap the wing. Just had to find out how to do it. Have him on 16% protein All Flock with Nutritional Yeast. They were on a 1/2 non-medicated chick feed 18% and 1/2 game bird starter 20%.
I think it was too high in protein. Our stores around here do not carry any waterfowl feeds.
I plan on using vet wrap on the wing for 7 days. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help. Linda
I don't think she is too old, as long as you can get her wing into the correct position and keep it there with tape or bandages, she will be good! I think you should probably keep her out of the pool. Would it be possible to remove the entrance to the pool and only let them swim when you are there?

Just give her enough water to dip her head in, she doesn't really need to swim. Although she will be excited when she gets the bandage off. Let us know how she does, I hope I helped!
Piddle! My picture didn't show! I can't keep her out of the pool unless I restrict all of them. The pool is outside of their pen.

I have looked and looked, but can't figure out from the pictures. When you start, do you first wrap it around the wing and THEN go around the body in a figure 8? Do you bandage both wings to her body even if only one has "angel wing"?

No, not yet. I just noticed them 2 days ago. I have him in a dog crate, and will wrap the wing. Just had to find out how to do it. Have him on 16% protein All Flock with Nutritional Yeast. They were on a 1/2 non-medicated chick feed 18% and 1/2 game bird starter 20%.
I think it was too high in protein. Our stores around here do not carry any waterfowl feeds.
I plan on using vet wrap on the wing for 7 days. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help. Linda
Okay. I'm not a expert on angel wing at all, I've only had one duck with it, and because we caught it really early all he needed was lots of foraging and exercise. But here are some links from BYC on treating it. Hope they help some! By the way I feed my flock All Flock and they are doing well, but they do forage a lot too.
Piddle! My picture didn't show! I can't keep her out of the pool unless I restrict all of them. The pool is outside of their pen.

I have looked and looked, but can't figure out from the pictures. When you start, do you first wrap it around the wing and THEN go around the body in a figure 8? Do you bandage both wings to her body even if only one has "angel wing"?

Could you keep her in the pen or something? Maybe keep another duck with her so she doesn't panic, but it is important the wrap doesn't get wet. I think you just bandage the body, you don't need to wrap around the wing first. And try to leave the other wing free if you can, but that might be difficult. As I told Linda, I'm not a expert, I'm just reading what other people say to do.
Are you treating this one? Or did he get better?

No, not yet. Just noticed it 2 days ago. Was feeding 18% non-medicated chick mixed 50/50 with22% game bird starter. With nutritional yeast. I guess it was too high protein. He is in a large dog crate waiting for me to wrap the wing. I changed his feed to 16% All Flock and still give nutritional yeast. I plan on using vet wrap.
Thanks for any suggestions

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