The Duck Thread

I built a small pond for my ducks and we're wanting to do a little plant life in and around the pond does any one Have experience with plants your ducks won't touch? And also were going to add a slide does any one have experience with this... any pond experience would be appreciated thank you.
My ducks generally ignore asters and goldenrod, are so-so about jewelweed and lady's thumb (it's a Polyganum). Sometimes you need to protect the new plants till they get over a foot tall, then the ducks don't worry them so much. Things with woody stems, or those that won't snap when they are bumped or stepped on do best around here.

Shrubs work, too - red-stemmed dogwood, blueberry, spirea,
Question on eggs for eating. My 2 little hens lay their eggs religiously each morning. I use their eggs a lot but am unable to peel them when I boil them. The shell refuses to come loose from the egg. Any suggestions? I put salt in the water when I boil them and boil them for 7 minutes.

Thanks in advance!
All great suggestions for my stubborn pond hating ducks
There are a lot of turtles in the pond. I know we have snapping turtles in the area, we had one come up out of our hay field the other day we turned him back towards it although I'm sure he eventually made it to the water. Usually we just see them floating on the surface. There are lots of Hawks flying overhead through the day and vultures (less concerned about them) but they always are looking out for them. They have their own pool in their pen which they have a ball in even though our pekin can stand up in it now that they are grown. Their pen is at the top of the hill less than 100ft from the water but they don't usually go back up to their pen for water till early evening. Aside from all of that they went in the water today when me and the SO were up at the house. They were swimming around fine until someone freaks out about something and they all come hauling *** out of the water. Here's a picture of the pond.
And this is where they usually stay while they are out of their pen. (They get to free-range if we are home)

Someone was also talking about eclipsing and I had no idea what it was but my mallard Drake is eclipsing now!!! Excited to see how his colors come out!!!

group shot, wouldn't want to leave anyone out!
They are refusing to go near the water because of the turtles. I had turtles kill one of my ducks. The rest refuse to go near our pond, no matter how pretty it is! Good luck!
I built a small pond for my ducks and we're wanting to do a little plant life in and around the pond does any one Have experience with plants your ducks won't touch? And also were going to add a slide does any one have experience with this... any pond experience would be appreciated thank you.
There is a video on u tube about baby ducks sliding down a slide. It might help you. Just google it "baby duck slide".

I built a small pond for my ducks and we're wanting to do a little plant life in and around the pond does any one Have experience with plants your ducks won't touch? And also were going to add a slide does any one have experience with this... any pond experience would be appreciated thank you.
Don't put in succulents (mother of millions, hens and chicks, etc.) Mine have eaten all that I have (which is quite a few). They will even chance coming up on the porch to get them. It's a hoot, they sneak up onto the porch and one duck watches the door while the other's eat. Let someone come out the door and you have never seen 7 ducks move so fast! LOL It's a hoot!!!

They also love verbena (I have the gold ones, they eat all the flowers).

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Question on eggs for eating. My 2 little hens lay their eggs religiously each morning. I use their eggs a lot but am unable to peel them when I boil them. The shell refuses to come loose from the egg.  Any suggestions? I put salt in the water when I boil them and boil them for 7 minutes.

Thanks in advance!

Have you tried adding some vinegar to the water? That's supposed to help. It also would help if you used older eggs for boiling and ate the fresher ones scrambled, etc. The older they are, the easier they will peel.
Have you tried adding some vinegar to the water? That's supposed to help. It also would help if you used older eggs for boiling and ate the fresher ones scrambled, etc. The older they are, the easier they will peel.
Thanks, I'll try the vinegar. I didn't know that the older eggs were easier, I'll try it! Thanks!!


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