The Duck Thread


Glad they're recovering, poor guys...

As long as they are eating something regularly, I wouldn't worry too much about it... watch their weight and make sure they don't lose too much though... trauma, both physical and the mental, can really put them off their normal appetite... try giving them some extra treats for a while, peas or such, that they enjoy and will eat more of...
So am I!
They still seem to be a normal weight, but I'll absolutely keep a close eye on them. Good to know, hopefully they'll return to normal VERY soon.

So happy to hear this
It is normal for their appetite to be off. Give them meal worms, peas, cooked egg or anything they will eat.
Thank you, I'll definitely try treats!

I would guess they are eating less because they aren't very active.
Treats will help I'm sure!
Perhaps so.
I hope they'll take treats, since I've never really introduced them to peas.

@Alexandra33 That is great news they are recovering. I am so happy for you. and them. such a precious picture.
Thank you so much!
They both ate up time on that soft blanket.

So am I!
They still seem to be a normal weight, but I'll absolutely keep a close eye on them. Good to know, hopefully they'll return to normal VERY soon.

Thank you, I'll definitely try treats!

Perhaps so.
I hope they'll take treats, since I've never really introduced them to peas.

Thank you so much!
They both ate up time on that soft blanket.

AND your TLC too I bet.
Hey everyone. So my sister accidentally let one of my 3 three week old ducklings out of their brooder. While he was roaming through the house my cat had bit into his little chest area and I found him and swooped him up right away before my cat could do any more harm. He was panicking at first and rolling around. I thought he was going to die. Now he's just sitting back in his area under the heating light and he's standing up on occasion, and still chirps. Also got him to drink around 9 drinks of water, and his bleeding stopped. Any recommendations? All help is needed. Thanks a ton.
Hey everyone. So my sister accidentally let one of my 3 three week old ducklings out of their brooder. While he was roaming through the house my cat had bit into his little chest area and I found him and swooped him up right away before my cat could do any more harm. He was panicking at first and rolling around. I thought he was going to die. Now he's just sitting back in his area under the heating light and he's standing up on occasion, and still chirps. Also got him to drink around 9 drinks of water, and his bleeding stopped. Any recommendations? All help is needed. Thanks a ton.
@tonisummers How is your duckling doing tonight? very important to clean the wound you can use soapy water or salty water if you have it then put some antibiotic salve on with out pain relief. Hopefully the cat didn't hit any vital organs.
  How is your duckling doing tonight?  very important to clean the wound you can use soapy water or salty water if you have it then put some antibiotic salve on with out pain relief.  Hopefully the cat didn't hit any vital organs.

He seems to be doing a little better. However I'm still very worried. The gash isn't deep, i don't think. But he doesn't like for me to pick him up. I don't want to disturb him he doesn't seem like he wants to be touched. He's eating and drinking regularly. He's standing and walking with a wobble though. Sometimes he falls on his side and I have to pick him up.... he's doing his best to keep up with the other little ones but they're so active, and practically trample him. I'm worried about this also, but I don't want to separate him from his brothers. His legs keep going outward as well and I can't quite understand it.
I was fishing a lake and a mother duck had a troupe of babies following her. I had a spoon with a treble hook and I casted at the babies and snagged one. Amazingly the hook caught around its neck and just the bend was holding it so it didn't even get hooked at all.
I took to a guy who sold ducks to id and get it a mate. He said it might be a muscovy..(it wasn't) and sold me a muscovy.

We named it Peanut Butter. That duck was a trip. People that had no fear of pit bulls would not go in that yard. He would chase you down and bite you. He would let you pet him and wag his tail....then suddenly nip the begabbers out of you. That duck would get nasty. Had a kiddie pond the other duck would get in all the time. Not Peanut Butter!
We would have to wrestle him and give him a bath and it was like trying to bathe a cat! A duck that didn't like water!
He seems to be doing a little better. However I'm still very worried. The gash isn't deep, i don't think. But he doesn't like for me to pick him up. I don't want to disturb him he doesn't seem like he wants to be touched. He's eating and drinking regularly. He's standing and walking with a wobble though. Sometimes he falls on his side and I have to pick him up.... he's doing his best to keep up with the other little ones but they're so active, and practically trample him. I'm worried about this also, but I don't want to separate him from his brothers. His legs keep going outward as well and I can't quite understand it.

Legs going outward sounds like splay leg - are they on a slick surface?

Also if there is a puncture wound, there could be internal infection. A vet is best, but I would start looking into antibiotics - infection can be deadly. @casportpony has published some threads on antibiotics.
Hey everyone. So my sister accidentally let one of my 3 three week old ducklings out of their brooder. While he was roaming through the house my cat had bit into his little chest area and I found him and swooped him up right away before my cat could do any more harm. He was panicking at first and rolling around. I thought he was going to die. Now he's just sitting back in his area under the heating light and he's standing up on occasion, and still chirps. Also got him to drink around 9 drinks of water, and his bleeding stopped. Any recommendations? All help is needed. Thanks a ton.

Cat bites can be really dangerous to birds because of the bacteria they harbour. If you can get some antibiotics ASAP it will help give the little guy a chance to fight any potential infections.
Legs going outward sounds like splay leg - are they on a slick surface?

Also if there is a puncture wound, there could be internal infection.  A vet is best, but I would start looking into antibiotics - infection can be deadly.  @casportpony
has published some threads on antibiotics.

Cat bites can be really dangerous to birds because of the bacteria they harbour. If you can get some antibiotics ASAP it will help give the little guy a chance to fight any potential infections.

What kind of antibiotics would be best? I don't want to give him anything too strong.

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