The Duck Thread

Oh what a difference a week makes! My babies are growing by leeps and bounds. They are eating and drinking machines...and so adorable.

They are all getting so big!

Roxanne the Rouen.

This is Roxanne the Rouen. She is a leader and very adventurous already.

The pic above is Greta. She is a Blue Swedish and the smallest of the lot.

@Gabby2016 Yes, they do grow quickly. Looks like you are having as much fun as they are.
Enjoy them while they are still little and living in your home. Before long you will probably be moving them to larger quarters outdoors. Love the pics.

Good luck and enjoy your ducks.
I'm glad to report that the remaining two drakes, Sterling and Mr. HandsomePants, are recovering nicely. :) Only thing that concerns me is they don't seem to be eating very much. Is this normal? Thank you all so much for your support through this! :hugs ~Alex
:hugs Glad they're recovering, poor guys... :( As long as they are eating something regularly, I wouldn't worry too much about it... watch their weight and make sure they don't lose too much though... trauma, both physical and the mental, can really put them off their normal appetite... try giving them some extra treats for a while, peas or such, that they enjoy and will eat more of...
I'm glad to report that the remaining two drakes, Sterling and Mr. HandsomePants, are recovering nicely.
Only thing that concerns me is they don't seem to be eating very much. Is this normal? Thank you all so much for your support through this!

So happy to hear this
It is normal for their appetite to be off. Give them meal worms, peas, cooked egg or anything they will eat.
I'm glad to report that the remaining two drakes, Sterling and Mr. HandsomePants, are recovering nicely.
Only thing that concerns me is they don't seem to be eating very much. Is this normal? Thank you all so much for your support through this!

I would guess they are eating less because they aren't very active.
Treats will help I'm sure!

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