The Duck Thread

One of my Black Swedish has been injured. Not sure what is wrong exactly. She is limping very badly. I think it is her hip. It is swollen at the hip; leg/foot seems fine. I can touch it and feel a big "egg" on her hip that wasn't there last night (she was injured last night too) so it is just now swelling I guess. Not sure if she dislocated the joint, broke her hip or what. She is eating and laid an egg this morning, but she can barely walk.

Well, it's been a week since my gal broke her leg. She is eating some but definitely losing weight. I put her in the yard with her other duckies and that made her happy I think (she was in a cage). I also put her in a tub of water and she was able to take a good bath. That always makes them feel better and she ate good after a day in the sun and water. It will be a while but I am praying she heals okay. Went to the vet yesterday again for the splint/check-up. He didn't say how long it would take to heal but wanted to check it again in a month. I am giving her extra calcium and of course extra peas as a treat for her.
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Well, it's been a week since my gal broke her leg. She is eating some but definitely losing weight. I put her in the yard with her other duckies and that made her happy I think (she was in a cage). I also put her in a tub of water and she was able to take a good bath. That always makes them feel better and she ate good after a day in the sun and water. It will be a while but I am praying she heals okay. Went to the vet yesterday again for the splint/check-up.
How long did the vet think it would take for her leg to heal? On nice days I would dif let her have visiting hours with her buds. Thanks for update.
OK so I am going to build a chicken tractor for my runners to be in during most of the day. Is 4ft X 6ft X 3ft enough? they will have a small baby pool in there with them to cool off in.
Space wise that sounds like 12 square feet per duck (2 ducks, yes?). That seems reasonable. You are a bit of a pioneer with this, I would just urge you not to miss any security issue, like something being able to dig under any part of the tractor.
Space wise that sounds like 12 square feet per duck (2 ducks, yes?). That seems reasonable. You are a bit of a pioneer with this, I would just urge you not to miss any security issue, like something being able to dig under any part of the tractor.

Yeah I think it is. There will be a baby pool in there to. As for security I agree trying to think of something that the would be able to forage through and that would not mess up the grass. Hmmmm what to use......
@miss lydia, my duck has now quietened down, typical as I wanted to upload a video. I think she just wanted human company. Sunday I was out with rhem most of the day. She was happy amd no constant quacking. I will keep watch though and video of she starts again. None of the other ducks quack consantly like she does.
After some emailing the seller, they have confirmed duckling does make a rasping noise so should be a drake. Also hope to collect on rhe weekend. Reading other posts I will keep him in a separate house until he is used to the females. I will also indroduce him slowly to them too. My daughter has already named him as Marvin ! :)
After some emailing the seller, they have confirmed duckling does make a rasping noise so should be a drake. Also hope to collect on rhe weekend. Reading other posts I will keep him in a separate house until he is used to the females. I will also indroduce him slowly to them too. My daughter has already named him as Marvin !
Look forward to hearing all about Marvin and his girls.
So i have a question.... I recently moved and couldn't take my ducks with me :-( (very sad) but I found them a wonderful new home with 7 other ducks the have a huge pond to swim in but now the girl that I gave them to is saying they all dont go in the pond they go in the stream..... would anyone no why? she said maybe they are intimidating by it ( I didnt have a pond only a baby pool) or they just arnt use to her yet but when I took them there they loved it in the pond.... I dont no what to think now..... is she right? Am I just over reacting bc I dont have them anymore
So i have a question.... I recently moved and couldn't take my ducks with me :-( (very sad) but I found them a wonderful new home with 7 other ducks the have a huge pond to swim in but now the girl that I gave them to is saying they all dont go in the pond they go in the stream..... would anyone no why? she said maybe they are intimidating by it ( I didnt have a pond only a baby pool) or they just arnt use to her yet but when I took them there they loved it in the pond.... I dont no what to think now..... is she right? Am I just over reacting bc I dont have them anymore

It sounds like the previous residents are not allowing the new guys in their territory?

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