The Duck Thread

@RedIII Ohno :( Must be really hard to re home one. We have had to build new enclosures to separate the drakes and females. Everyone is going mad with me at the money we are spending on the ducks. Woops!
Haha. Good for you spending the money. Your webbed feetied babies are part of your family.
It is pretty fascinating. Was just thinking how I never appreciated just how beautiful these birds were before I had any of my own. Ducks, geese, chickens, peas... all of them! There are some lovely critters on this forum! I love looking at all of them.
Opie's crest is mainly white, with 2 or 3 little black feathers that pop out of the very front, and waft back over the white feathers. Its truly adorable. Opie and Chibs both have that buttery look going on, but they just molted. The new feathers started coming in that yellowish color, but are slowing getting back to white. Opie walked away from me yesterday, and leaned down to eat something, and her little behind is such a cute mix of black and white. Capturing that will be my next photographic adventure... lol
That crest of hers is the first I've ever seen with the splash of black feathers. When the birds molt do they almost look bald about the body? Or are the feathers that come off superficial rather than deep? The thing I love about birds is how layered and deep their feathers are. Speaking of rumps on ducks. I love them. Sounds weird to be talking about their behinds but they are so densely and thickly feathered and cute. I hope you can get some photos. It is funny but when I look at a super cute bird, I look at the face and then the body and then the whole package and really, they are hideously cute. Like with the California quail. I love their fat round bods.
@Julie Bird - have I told you lately how much I enjoy reading what you post?
(Of course, I do agree...they are just so darn cute!)

I'm becoming increasingly confident that I have 3 females (both Rouens + 1 Pekin) and 1 drake Pekin. I'm relieved, but would have preferred all females. Of course, we named her (that's what I thought at the time) Diva so I guess we'll be changing it. Also, happy to report that his bill healed fine. I was amazed at how fast it got better!
That crest of hers is the first I've ever seen with the splash of black feathers. When the birds molt do they almost look bald about the body? Or are the feathers that come off superficial rather than deep? The thing I love about birds is how layered and deep their feathers are. Speaking of rumps on ducks. I love them. Sounds weird to be talking about their behinds but they are so densely and thickly feathered and cute. I hope you can get some photos. It is funny but when I look at a super cute bird, I look at the face and then the body and then the whole package and really, they are hideously cute. Like with the California quail. I love their fat round bods.

This was their first molt, so I'm not sure what is normal, but they just seemed to lose like maybe a third to half of their feathers. Their chests were the most noticeable as being thinned out. Scruffy looking, but not nearly bald. Kinda like grandma when her hair starts thinning lol! And be on the lookout for a rump-shot... its too cute.

@Julie Bird - have I told you lately how much I enjoy reading what you post?
(Of course, I do agree...they are just so darn cute!)

I'm becoming increasingly confident that I have 3 females (both Rouens + 1 Pekin) and 1 drake Pekin. I'm relieved, but would have preferred all females. Of course, we named her (that's what I thought at the time) Diva so I guess we'll be changing it. Also, happy to report that his bill healed fine. I was amazed at how fast it got better!

Agree Deb... isn't Julie just the sweetest? And I am still unsure if I have 3/1 or 4 girls also... I may even have 2/2! I think Opie is more of a boy's name, but she is definitely one of my girls. Her name is not changing. But Diva? Yea, you may have to call "him" something else! LOL And good news on his bill! (hey, call him Bill... lol)
This was their first molt, so I'm not sure what is normal, but they just seemed to lose like maybe a third to half of their feathers. Their chests were the most noticeable as being thinned out. Scruffy looking, but not nearly bald. Kinda like grandma when her hair starts thinning lol! And be on the lookout for a rump-shot... its too cute.

Agree Deb... isn't Julie just the sweetest? And I am still unsure if I have 3/1 or 4 girls also... I may even have 2/2! I think Opie is more of a boy's name, but she is definitely one of my girls. Her name is not changing. But Diva? Yea, you may have to call "him" something else! LOL And good news on his bill! (hey, call him Bill... lol)

LOL...yes, she definitely is! I wish you could meet Diva. I love the names you choose so you could name him.
I've been using pine shavings for my ducks cage and today i noticed how powdery they were. I know birds are sensitive to stuff like that, does anyone else use pine shavings? Is there something better? And also can this hurt her?
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Running more,just plain down being scared.i walk in the coop,they stan dup,and leave.....still this awkward teenage stand?

Mine still "run" away from me too, when I enter their pen, but I have found that the softer and slower I walk, and the more I talk to them while I'm walking toward them, the slower they retreat. I just always tell them "Its ok guys, its just momma"... they are finally getting to where they don't bother to move away very much. They actually come running toward me as I come to the pen. Its just once I'm in there, they keep a foot or so distance. Touching is only allowed with treats! lol

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