The Duck Thread


Twin ducks hatch from one egg

Twin ducklings have hatched from the same egg at a duck farm in Cornwall.


Romulus and Remus are the first recorded twin ducklings to ever hatch and survive in Britain Photo: SWNS

8:00AM GMT 26 Oct 2009

Roger Olver watched on as the chicks emerged to become the first recorded twin ducklings to ever hatch and survive in Britain.
The ducklings - named Romulus and Remus - are to be spared the table and become pets at the Cornish Duck Company in St Austell, Cornwall.
Mr Olver and partner Tanya Dalton had overseen the hatching of a group of eggs when they noticed that one was left uncracked.
Miss Dalton decided to lend a hand and saw a beak peck through at one end, but she was stunned when seconds later another bird emerged from the other end.
Mr Olver, 56, said: ''When we did the hatch there was one duckling left struggling to get out at the end.
''When a beak did stick through, Tanya tried to make the hole bigger to help it get out. But then she felt something else pecking her from the bottom of the egg.
''It was unbelievable. Two ducklings from the same egg. We managed to get them both out and now they are doing fine. They are in perfect health.
''They're looking pretty good, bearing in mind they were cooped up together in the same shell.''
MIss Dalton, 38, described the births as a ''miracle'' and has prepared an area at the farm where they can be kept as pets.
She added: ''It was so exciting because you're told that it's impossible - that two could ever survive like this.
''So when it happened, for two to come out alive and well, it was so special. It's a miracle really.
''We decided we had to keep them, so they will have their own little run on the farm.''
The twins are the first of their kind to survive in Britain. A similar pair, hatched in Canada, did not survive.
Roger and Tanya rear 300 ducks a week from their farm and sell to shops and restaurants across the country.

Holy cats! I didn't realize at all! Peep is starting a new clutch, I'm going to have to pay closer attention! In the pic I posted, there's only two or three that were smaller. It wasn't by much though. @casportpony
Hmmm, so now I'm thinking trail-cam over her nest. With peeps first clutch, I did NOTHING. No candling, or checking the eggs themselves. I'm going to stay completely hands off again. I may, do 1 candle of the eggs soon to see how many yolks and then maybe candle again day 18 ish.... But she does better than me, so like I said, I may look into a trail-cam.
Hmmm, so now I'm thinking trail-cam over her nest. With peeps first clutch, I did NOTHING. No candling, or checking the eggs themselves. I'm going to stay completely hands off again. I may, do 1 candle of the eggs soon to see how many yolks and then maybe candle again day 18 ish.... But she does better than me, so like I said, I may look into a trail-cam.

That would be cool! I have 4 trail cams that I use for deer hunting/scouting. I now have one on my chicken coop to see what predators come around. Consider a Moultrie. I love mine. The older M80's are awesome. Easy to use and take great photos, if you can still find them. Pay attention to batteries used in your search. Many use C batteries, which are hard to find around here! Lol

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