The Duck Thread

Anyone got any ideas why my duck is costantly quacking. It's really annoying. It is like a chat. Very repetitive. Morning till night unless eating or sleeping. Its an indian runner female. Just started laying. Is it she needs a mate?
Anyone got any ideas why my duck is costantly quacking. It's really annoying. It is like a chat. Very repetitive. Morning till night unless eating or sleeping. Its an indian runner female. Just started laying. Is it she needs a mate?
Is she an only duck? if so that maybe what it is. and some ducks just like to talk.
No there are 3 of them. All the same age.
It is entirely possible that she is the spokesduck. The role of the spokesduck is to express any concerns about the flock. And to keep the flock keeper (you) aware of their location at all times.

Can you upload a video so that we can hear it? If it's constant, that should not be too hard

I just want to also say that their voices took a little getting used to sometimes. I would look for the problem, and my beloved would suggest that it's just the way they talk. I used to think they were irritated with me, but no, it's just those are the vocal cords they were born with. And they are actually delighted to see me. Once I understood them a little better the noise became a sound and the sound became delightful.

ah AH ah ah
ah AH ah ah

At around 0:19 in this video, Zehn looks up to discover I am not near the flock.

She was the spokesduck at that time. The responsibility moves from duck to duck over time.
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Thanks for the video. Yes all my ducks are like that. They do take it in turns. I'll try to get a video tomorrow as they are all Sleeping now.

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