The Duck Thread

I took the babies out for a swim and some sunshine. It took them a few minutes but they got the hang of it and enjoyed themselves.
So i have a question.... I recently moved and couldn't take my ducks with me :-( (very sad) but I found them a wonderful new home with 7 other ducks the have a huge pond to swim in but now the girl that I gave them to is saying they all dont go in the pond they go in the stream..... would anyone no why? she said maybe they are intimidating by it ( I didnt have a pond only a baby pool) or they just arnt use to her yet but when I took them there they loved it in the pond.... I dont no what to think now..... is she right? Am I just over reacting bc I dont have them anymore

has she tried tempting them in with food?
I dug a nice pond for mine whe I first had them. Would not go in it or anywhere near it. Tried the food trick but never worked. I gave up and gave them a shallow pool and they jumped right in. Since then I got a full size bath for them. Now they love it. Maybe they just need to get used to it
Can someone please tell me if there may be something wrong with a Khaki Campbell who is about a year old now and lays no eggs. She laid maybe a couple at the end of last summer but nothing since. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with her. Her sister lays one every day.
There are things that can go wrong with the egg-laying system. A vet who understands fowl is likely the best help.

Various toxins can prevent egg-laying. There can be something wrong with the way the system developed, or there could be an infection you don't know about.

One possibility is she is better at hiding eggs than her sister.
Thanks for you thoughts. I don't know if I have a vet around here that looks at poultry. There is probably something wrong with her system that isn't affecting her general health since she appears otherwise okay. I know she isn't hiding them because this winter there was no place to hide them other then in the coop where her sister continued to produce all winter. However, now that spring is here, they have a 3 acre pond to hide them around which will make it hard to determine if she's started laying.
I was thinking that she had a "main duck" that looks over everyone as nd he did " stick up" for my one girl do I kinda feel like he would set them in place if they weren't letting mine in the pond but I dont no
Im not sure if she tried that maybe I can suggest though..... its hard to get in contact with her I go through my sister so I ask a ? And might not get an answer for a little bit.... I hopes that's all they need is time

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