The Duck Thread

the duckling is here
he is a lavender muscovey
Wow can't wait too see the lil one
Sadly, the happy duck from the pictures above has been put to sleep. A couple days ago, we noticed a couple flies bothering Daphne. We didn't think much of it, we thought maybe they just bothered her. This morning we looked at her, and saw that her whole back half of her body was featherless and brown. (The night before she was all white). Unfortunately, she must've had a wound that attracted flies to her. The flies must've laid eggs on her, and the maggots were eating her tissue and feathers. Later today, we couldn't find her. Finally, we did and tried to clean her off a little bit before we took her to the vet. The poor thing had bugs all over her, and she smelled terrible. When we got there, the vet had said that the damage was extensive and it would be really hard to treat. We decided to put her down just in case she was suffering. We originally thought she had gone to die, anyways. But it is heartbreaking to lose such an innocent, beautiful creature. She also happened to die on my late Grandma's birthday. RIP Daphne!
So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you.

the duckling is here
he is a lavender muscovey
WOW, please post pictures:)
Sorry to hear bout Daphne. She rests in peace now.

What do you all clean your duck houses with, and prevent mold? Our duck house is made of wood and every time I yuck it out I mist the bottom portions with bleach. Obviously it will dry and air out before putting the duckies back in the evenings.
Would DE work also or will they get sick from it? Just wondering what you all use.
Thanks. Will try that next time when I clean it out. Right now it's just pouring outside and the humidity don't help either. And there I always thought I'm in Wisconsin instead of the southern states. Could fool me... Lol

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