The Duck Thread

Hi all I'm new here and have a question about Muscovy Ducks. I live in a subdivision with a pond so we have quite a large population of Muscovy's. A few months ago a duck made a nest in a bush by my front door the eggs hatched and the family eventually moved on. Over the last month I've noticed more eggs at first it was just 2 or 3 then over the course of a few weeks the collection of eggs grew. I never saw the duck until a few days ago. I noticed the nest was covered with down and straw. Now I don't touch the nest it can be easily seen from my walk way and I don't mind the ducks I just don't know if the eggs being laid are actually going to hatch or are the ducks just laying eggs like chickens do. I just don't want rotten eggs by my front door so how long do i need to wait before i csn do anything

When you see the duck on them all the time you've got a month still to go ;) when they hatch it's so adorable when they follow mama around =) maybe you need a duck crossing sign so if someone spots them they'll leave them be.
Ok so I am very happy to announce when I checked on the ducklings today and was handling Mr mystery jumper today I saw blue on his wings!!! Oh that makes me happy
its at the top of his wings he's black with a blue shine. Does anyone think this could make him a Cayuga or a Swedish? When I purchased my ducklings I was hoping for one blue duck and looks like I may end up with one after all
yay!!!! Oh and to the person with the grey runner pic that is one beautiful duck!! Thanks had to share in so excited to see what he's going to look like had to share
What is the best breed of duck that wards off predators/predator resistant? Is there a certain breed that handle predators better?
What is the best breed of duck that wards off predators/predator resistant? Is there a certain breed that handle predators better?

No animal is predator resistant. Ducks can not defend themselves from predators. They depend on us to secure them to protect them from predators
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Well our 2 smallest ducklings they're either mallards or Rouens I'm not sure which tractor supply is selling they look identical as ducklings so I really don't know how to tell, anyway to the point we have been keeping ours inside in a large storage tub, the 2 smallest have figured out how to get out. I have no idea how they're doing this, I figured one of our larger 3 would be our first out, but I've never seen them try they're polite and stay in
they're in a room safe from my inside dogs there's a baby gate up to keep the dogs out. Problem is they have gotten our 3 times today and I don't want to be at work and them escape the tub and be without food and water, also id rather not come in to duck poop all over the place I have a large dog crate but that wouldn't help keep the mess down since its the wire kind I'd have just as much of a mess as the 2 being lose. Looks like my babies are going to have to be moved into there outside dog lot
I hope they will stay warm since they've been used to the temperatures inside my home ill be putting lots of shavings inside there house that will be in there lot. I don't think they're big enough for a kiddie pool unsupervised so ill get them a large food bowl to play in first. We've had them less than 2 months now so they aren't very big yet
Ok can I get the ultimate advice on raising baby ducks??? I just wanna make sure I'm doing it right. I mean they have doubled in size since I got them ... They are 2 weeks old today

When I first got them

Ok can I get the ultimate advice on raising baby ducks??? I just wanna make sure I'm doing it right. I mean they have doubled in size since I got them ... They are 2 weeks old today

When I first got them

Adorable! Mine are 2-1/2 weeks now and they have more than doubled in size!

You came to the right place... just start reading all over this forum. Here's a good place to start

And I highly recommend Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks. Its a great book! I ordered a copy from B&N for about $12, but I've also seen it on the shelf at Tractor Supply, but I think the list price is $19.95 (or thereabouts)
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