The Duck Thread

That is a very nice pool.  Have you planned how you are going to drain the pool once it is in the ground?  A sump pump is an option or gravity if you install a drain before you bury the pool.  With 4 ducks we have to change the water in our pool every day.  Since water conservation is an issue we fill our pool only half full and use the discarded water in the garden.  -DB

Thank you. I had not considered how to drain the pond as of yet, but I do like the idea of a pump. And I really like the idea of recycling the water in the garden.
Thank you. I had not considered how to drain the pond as of yet, but I do like the idea of a pump. And I really like the idea of recycling the water in the garden.

Would the gunk from the pond bother the pump? I have no idea. And yes, garden water... with built-in fertilizer!
Ok should I get Rouen, welsh, khaki, or Cayuga and why?

Rouen are great ducks yet not the best of egg layers, don't get me wrong they lay yet mine lays small eggs and are not prolific egg layers, yet they are great for any backyard, I only have one rouen and she can be loud at times yet she is sweet. I also have a Khaki and if you are looking for eggs you want to get some khaki's they are great egg layers and mine lay all year large double yoke eggs they are not loud, are sweet yet somewhat skittish! I don't have any Cayuga yet I would love to get some they are beutiful all of the ducks you are looking into are tolerate to the winter I am hatching rouens and white crested's now I hope this gives you some idea as what breed to get good luck!
Rouen are great ducks yet not the best of egg layers, don't get me wrong they lay yet mine lays small eggs and are not prolific egg layers, yet they are great for any backyard, I only have one rouen and she can be loud at times yet she is sweet. I also have a Khaki and if you are looking for eggs you want to get some khaki's they are great egg layers and mine lay all year large double yoke eggs they are not loud, are sweet yet somewhat skittish! I don't have any Cayuga yet I would love to get some they are beutiful all of the ducks you are looking into are tolerate to the winter I am hatching rouens and white crested's now I hope this gives you some idea as what breed to get good luck! 
Finally someone replies! Thanks! I like all of those breed and I also like Pekins but I hear they're so noisy!!!!
I have heard the same pekins are noisy, are you just starting or do you have ducks already?
I'm just starting and don't know what to get
I thought pekins get pretty big too, dont they?
And where do you plan to get them? That may make a difference on what is available?

Yes they do get big, not crazy big my recommendation for you is to start off with a khaki Campbell they are great! You can get ducklings online or go to your local feed store that sells chicks they most likely sell ducks! Do your research first on what breed will work for you and understand everything about the breed you decide on. also I started off with chickens they are not ducks but it kinda gave me an idea of what I was getting into! Then I rescued my Rouen at 2 days old and fell in love! Good luck let me know what breed you decide on!!
Finally someone replies! Thanks! I like all of those breed and I also like Pekins but I hear they're so noisy!!!!

Sorry. I would have replied, but I know next to nothing about ducks :) I just happened to get Rouens (I think) by chance because that was what my husband brought home to surprise me. So if you really can't decide, have someone go to the feed store and pick out your ducks at random, lol!

If I was able to choose breeds, though...... Oh golly, I'd be so overwhelmed! I would definitely want to try Welsh Harlequins or Buff Orpingtons, though. I want them just because of the eye candy factor :) Eggs are a bonus.

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