The Duck Thread

I personally love my runners and blue Swedish
both runners are girls they started quacking about a week ago one follows me around like a puppy
pebbles is her name and she's my baby she's such a sweet affectionate girl she wants to be held all the time. My blue Swedish I believe is a drake haven't heard a quack yet sounds like he whistles or chirps, he started off black and yellow but has just started getting a beautiful teal on his wings and head, and his face is adorable his cheeks are puffier than the runners and his eyes are so expressive, he loves attention he likes to lay down on you and talk to you
I took the 2 out in the yard there first time outside I've been a protective duck mom they followed my every step talking the whole time like they were saying mom wait up, don't leave are legs aren't nearly as long as yours! Everytime id stop and sit they'd climb on my lap and snuggle in, I don't think they enjoyed the first outing. My hubby got Rouens, I'm not the biggest fan of them, they pinch me with there bill where the others are very gentle, they always root in and try to block the others, now they will grab the duckling being petted and make them squeal, these 2 are the smallest but have figured out how to jump out of the storage tub they're in where the 3 oldest are content to stay where they should, I came home to 2 escaped ducklings and poop all over the carpet
I tell the hubby his ducklings have turned into brats, I've never had problems with the others picking on each other and they get along very well. His 2 ducklings are the bratty younger siblings, I love taking the babies to the tub and letting them take a shower and bath, the shower fills the tub they stand under it till its deep enough to swim. Someone posted pics earlier on here of ducklings showering and I thank them I never would have thought to try that, we used to fill up the tub then go get them and put them in, they've been having a blast. Another week or so and it'll be time to move them out
they're out growing the tub and getting more feathers now. They have been so much fun
my 2 runners and Swedish were friendly from day 1 I think they think I'm there mom the way they follow me and call for me to come visit and I get excited chatter as soon as they see me, they look so cute wagging their tails. And ducks are great at showing affection mine love to be on my lap or shoulder and rest their heads on me for a few moments like a hug, they gently preen my hands, they also have a playful side they like to get my shirt or pants and tug on them, I feel lucky my 3 don't act afraid of me. The 2 rouens started off terrified of people but now they try to knock the others out of the way of attention. The runner girls and Swedish boy have always been very polite with each other, I've read most runners are timid and not easily handled but one of mine prefers my company to her flock
so when picking ducklings look at what they look like as adults and get whatever you think is pretty, spending lots of time with them makes them friendly, mine have been raised in the house, I don't think anyone can say one breed is better than another it depends on your interaction with them and the ducklings individual personality, see if you can handle the duckling before buying to see who seems most friendly, mine came from tsc I picked the ones that didn't run away from the girls hand, and I picked color and pattern I liked, I couldn't be happier. There are several breeds I like but don't have tsc mainly got pekin and Rouen, I haven't seen Swedish or runner since I got mine. My main concern is when there older my Swedish boy will be larger than my girls, they started out the same size and I didn't know what they were when they were tiny babies, he's already quite a bit bigger, he's always been gentle and sweet hopefully he stays that way as he matures
I thought pekins get pretty big too, dont they?
And where do you plan to get them? That may make a difference on what is available?
They do grow very large and I'm getting them from The breeds I like from there are Cayuga, welsh, Pekin, khaki, and rouen
Hi. I have 2 muscovy ducks and was wondering if anyone would be able to tell male or female. I believe that I have 1 of each.
With muscovy's you can't tell until they are older, then it's a size issue. Males are huge and females are smaller. Also, if I remember correctly the males get their wattles sooner. (the red stuff on their face)
Hope this helps.
Hard to say from a pic
But if one quacks already its probabmy a girl... How old are they?
Also keep your eye out for curly tail feathers, those you will see on your boys before they get their adult feathers.
Muscovies don't quack or have curly tail feathers. Just FYI.
They do grow very large and I'm getting them from The breeds I like from there are Cayuga, welsh, Pekin, khaki, and rouen

Well... I wanted to hatch mine, so I found what eggs I could locally, and picked from those.... but since you plan to order them, I guess you have a choice to make. Or just order their 10 duckling special and let them pick for you!!
Pekin are noisy but frankly they are not anymore noisy than most mallard derived ducks, calls? HA they win! i own a bakers dozen and they exceed any pekin any day for sound barrier levels lol

As with most ducks depends on what they are doing mine are most chatty when they loose each other then they quack like a nutter throughout the farm, my buffs do this too ...

If you can live without eggs the drakes of any mallard derived breed are very quiet and give just as much fun to the place as a female. The only actually quiet duck would be Muscovy as the females only occasionally use their voices preferring most times to stick to trills, coos, hissing vs a proper full on honk.. my scovie flock is at least 80-90% quieter than my half dozen pekin and 2 buffs lol
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Peas! They are such beggars!
That's so cute, but not near enough peas... will they come inside? mine will walk right in the back door looking for a hand out. lol My son picked up some dog food for me and bought the Diamond lamb it's smaller kibble, well my drake has decided every morning now he has to come inside and get a handful before starting his day. They are fast learners.

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