The Duck Thread

Well, there are a host of things that could be going on, as you know. This could include internal organ damage, bleeding, broken bones, damaged nerves. I understand the vet affordability problem.

So, here are some things I would try.

Epsom salt compresses - on the leg twice daily.

Keep up with the swims - in lukewarm water. Continue to monitor how she moves - try to note what kind of progress she is making.

Put a little T-Relief on the leg at night.

If I think of anything else, I will let you know. I might make a very weak comfrey tea (just a pinch in 8 ounces of hot water and let it cool) and give that to her once or twice. Please do your research before you do, though - you need to be comfortable with whatever you try.

I should be online for another hour or so, I am praying for you both.
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Standing on the hurt leg and not using her wing!!
Good to hear she is fine.. Hopefully you will be able to make your run bigger.. you can run into to many problems if they don't have room to roam.. Plus injury & sickness come with having to many, to close..
Good thing to separate them.. At least untill they get older.. Keep us posted.. & I always love photos..
We were mentioning on the So.Dak forum about space and confinement, seems as though the bigger flocks (commercial) have the flu around here and you just don't hear about it in the back yard flocks. But, I am sure part of that is they aren't as monitored by the media.
Gorgeous babies!!

@Julie Bird - squeeee!! where are you? check out these precious webbies!
@Debs Flock thank you for bringing these squeeee ducks to my attention. I've been super busy and have not been on here. They are absolute adorable. Look at cute little Poke's round bod. What is neat about these birds of @Kaessa 's is that other than the difference in the breed of ducks are the different faces of each bird. Most the time people don't give a bird's face any thought. BUT WE DO.
Okay for those of you who have or have had Cayugas, how much quieter are they than other breeds of duck you've kept? Are the females still loud when they quack, just like a mallard?

Standing on the hurt leg and not using her wing!!
So sounds like she is making progress. sometimes just a bit of rest and TLC will do the job. I'd keep her from running around too much for a couple more days and give her some good poultry vitamins in her water. and above all keep her away from your horse.
She's a doll.

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