The Duck Thread

Your main problem right now, is she is Opened up to a WHOLE bunch of infections. Bacteria, internal.  the list goes on so the MOST important thing is to keep her VERY VERY clean.  

What we  need her to do is Shrink Wrap, YES, I know I said the CURSE word.  The word every one has fear for. LOL but the reason why we need her to shrink wrap is to get her closed up as FAST as we can.  The only way your going to do this is Lowering the humidity, HOWEVER, if you have other eggs in that bator, that's going to be another issue..

Now here's the tricky part because we need her to contract and get the rest of her yolk sac inside BEFORE she closes up .The way a duck contracts is by MAKING NOISEs...  OH YEH, so she NEEDS to talk to us.

SO here's my suggestion.  If you can get her in a Cup, that's the best thing, she needs PRESSURE not a lot but some Pressure on that area so that it pushes back up in her then her belly button will close up from the sides.  HOWEVER, she is probably NOT going to want to be in that Cup, which is FINE, so then we go to plan B and Plan B  is make her a Diaper, OH YEH, a diaper for a duck.  Get a paper towel, disinfecting water, vet wrap, etc..  Wet the paper towel, don't soak it just slightly wet, you want to keep it semi wet so that it slips back inside But not to wet because then it will keep coming back out. 

Set the paper towel so that its completely covering that area, get the vet wrap, you will have to make some holes for her feet, Again she is NOT going to like the diaper, if that doesn't work if you have another bator, get her on some slipper flooring, Yes, this may cause her to get splayed legs but we can deal or fix that later, wet the slipper flooring so that the sac does NOT stick to it and she can just slide around while it's shrinking up in her. 

I've got more ideas to help if the ones above fail so let me know..

Good Picture by the way.  Now if she closes before that sac goes inside DON"T WORRY, it will turn into a scab and fall off, so you either way you'll be OK.
She's in the cup already. (Actually scanned some of your replies for this same thing on other posts. Peeping very good and tolerating the cup! How are the yolk sacks absorbed time wise? I know contractions help the absorption.... I'll be going to the store later, should I get anything for "just in case"? It will be a limited grocery store and small true value,very rural. Humidity for the other 3 eggs shouldn't be too much of a problem, dry hatch, on their last week.
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She's in the cup already. (Actually scanned some of your replies for this same thing on other posts. Peeping very good and tolerating the cup! How are the yolk sacks absorbed time wise? I know contractions help the absorption.... I'll be going to the store later, should I get anything for "just in case"? It will be a limited grocery store and small true value,very rural. Humidity for the other 3 eggs shouldn't be too much of a problem, dry hatch, on their last week.
so there are more eggs in the bator? Check her every two hours and again, don't soak that paper towel. Chirping is VERY GOOD SIGN, I couldn't see a cord? What happened to it? did it just get chopped off very closely to the sac??
@Lacrystol I have her in the cup, what is the most effective way to keep her yolk moist without wrapping the whole bottom half of her in a damp paper towel?

In the cup put some dry paper towels or at least one, then place one that is slightly wet, you don't want it to wet because it will just keep slipping out.. but can't be to dry because it will stick to it and break.

If the wet paper towel is to wet, the dry ones will suck up some moisture and kind of even it out.
so there are more eggs in the bator?   Check her every two hours and again, don't soak that paper towel.  Chirping is VERY GOOD SIGN, I couldn't see a cord?  What happened to it?  did it just get chopped off very closely to the sac?? 
When she kicked it off, I assume it must have been in the egg... There was some membrane and "goo" inside the egg. I didn't look to close once I saw her belly. She wasn't bleeding at all, any where. So moist pad of paper towels over her belly?
When she kicked it off, I assume it must have been in the egg... There was some membrane and "goo" inside the egg. I didn't look to close once I saw her belly. She wasn't bleeding at all, any where. So moist pad of paper towels over her belly?

Just stuff it in the cup, doesn't matter if it's completely on her or not, technically we don't need it on her, because it's only going to act like a moisturizer. sort of speaking..

I guess the best way to describe it is, it's going to be her SPA, so it doesn't need to be direct on her, ..just moisture in the cup/air to keep her semi wet.. Check her every two hours Once that goes in and if she has NOT closed up, but that sac is inside get her out of the cup. at that point she doesn't need anything, that's when will need her to shrink up..and shrinking up is having the belly button area swelling go down..

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