The Duck Thread



Everybody loves Hay Day!!!!
I love your flock! They are so cool looking.
No hatches, I think my hudity was high during incubation. Going to do an eggtopsy when my BF gets home from work. Scared to do it alone. Found a local farm willing to sell eggs but I need to figure out what I did wrong. Sad day for me no ducklings and no chicks
Oh man, that's hard. Hopefully you will be able to pin point what went wrong.
Can you put ducks and baby chickens together or no cause I have ducks and I wants some chickens.?.?.
It's going to depend on a few things. How many ducks do you have? How many males and females do you have? You cannot put baby chicks in with ducks unless they are all day olds. Even then I personally wouldn't keep them together.
So a few days ago (week?) I found 5 eggs that I believe are either my Cayugas or mallard x runner. The newest flock members. They were due to begin laying. So I set them in the bator... Holy bananas, they're fertile! All of em!!!!! So eggcited (had to!) to find out who's laying mystery eggs!!!!
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It's going to depend on a few things. How many ducks do you have? How many males and females do you have? You cannot put baby chicks in with ducks unless they are all day olds. Even then I personally wouldn't keep them together.

I have 1 female and 1 male so 2 ducks and she's not ready to lay she's not old enough to lay...
my duck has been limping from a wound on her foot. She's done this before and then eventually got better with antibiotics and now I'm playing the wait game again. I've been helping her get to her pool and out to the field when it's time to graze and today after the drake got a hold of her good lovin she got to the side of the pool she started to point her tail down with her chest thrusting forward, and then she'd mash her head in the ground or curl it under her in a very uncomfortable looking manner all whilst shivering. So I put her in the water and she layed flat in the water and then again points her tail down and then submerged her head in water to a point that made me nervous that she wouldn't come back up. She's become very docile and just lethargic she's still eating and drinking but something is wrong. Help !

How is She today, did you isolate her and do a wound inspection??
Anyone have any advice for introducing a lone duck into a flock? Not a huge flock, just a drake and a duck, but the drake will NOT accept her. I tried today since my pekin has gone broody and he has no one to hang out with while she's on the nest, but he will accept the juvenile khaki cambpell duck I'm trying to introduce. She was supposed to have friends, but unfortunately there was a flood in her brooder when a waterer broke and all the others died. He's been able to see her for over a month now since she's just been living in a different coop with my ayam cemanis.

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