The Duck Thread

Yep, all six of them went nuts on it. Just a thin skin left over.
Could you imagine letting them loose in the produce section of a place like Whole Foods if the setup was such that your six girls could get to all the fruits and veggies. Like when stores cut some of the melons in half and sell them that way. But in this scenario the melons would not be covered in cellophane and the kale and other tidbits like peas would be all in reach. Then while people are shopping and just going about their business you'd have Peek, Poke, Harley, Pepper, Abba and Mocha just free ranging in there.
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It's been a tough day: swimming, pooping, eating...repeat!
And evidently cleaning the brooder 3x a day isn't enough!!!! I'm considering diapers!!
Top to bottom: Popcorn, Memory, Ming-Ming, Chicklet!
They are so cute sleeping together like that. Love Chicklet's little web laying off to the side.
Okay, here is an update to my girls condition.

When I got home from work, I checked in on her. She had dumped her water out and food. So I couldn't tell if she had touched anything.
She was still very alert, and boy was she stinky. So I decided to try and give her a warm bath in the tub to clean her up. Figure a bath always makes me feel a little better when feeling yucky.
While in the tub she started drinking and cleaning herself. She was still trying to wing walk a little bit. Drained the tub and got some clean water in there again, this time I added just enough to let her float. (She was VERY happy to be floating.)
It was at this time I noticed that she was keeping just her left foot out behind her and keeping her tail pushed towards the same foot. Never caught this before because she would always put both feet out when holding her and she kept her right side away while in the coop/kennel.

Took her out of the tub and gently felt her leg. Couldn't feel any broken bones, but I did notice the leg felt hot to me and it seemed to be slightly swollen only down the back side, into the ankle and only the middle toe. I rechecked her foot for an infection. She did have a very small cut but it wasn't icky looking, no puss, wasn't red, and didn't feel hot. Touched her hip and she got upset with me. Her hip does not seem swollen, didn't feel any indication of a broken bone. She would let me move the leg, but I noticed she would pull her tail toward the leg when moving it.

I put her back in the tub with some more clean water. She seemed to be very content to just float. After I was satisfied that she would be okay in the tub and could float and move around with no issue. I let her stay in there, figure taking any weight off the leg was making her feel better and it would help the leg if she was relaxed. I did notice at this point, she was holding the leg more forward then she was before, probably a few inches, not properly yet, but there was improvement.

After about 45 min she wanted out, so I took her out and left her lay on a towel while I cleaned up the tub. Brought her back to her kennel that the husband cleaned. Gave her some food that she did eat and some more water.

This morning, she is still holding her foot more forward and she did eat a little more. Tonight I will give her another warm bath since she enjoyed it so much and it seemed to help.

Thinking she jarred the hip going off the ramp in the coop, or she got into a tussle with one of the flock.... could it still be something else.

I have been taking care of a little baby duck who has a niacin deficiency and she has been on niacin for about a week or so now... I was wondering how long she would have to stay on this? It did heal one of her foot but the other one is still bowed
but she is getting to the 10 week mark now and was wondering what you think would be better for her?

I have been taking care of a little baby duck who has a niacin deficiency and she has been on niacin for about a week or so now... I was wondering how long she would have to stay on this? It did heal one of her foot but the other one is still bowed
but she is getting to the 10 week mark now and was wondering what you think would be better for her?

what form in the niacin in? I feed my birds fermented feed and none of them have been lacking, as it makes the nutrients and some different vitamins more readily available to them than in solid form just like for us. Is baby outside at all yet?

even just soaking it over night helps because of so much genetically modified stuff still going into a feed. It may be nutritionally complete but that doesn't mean it is in a form that the body actually can use, for example you can take 1000 mg of vitamin c in solid form and you'd be lucky to actually absorb 20-25% of that. Then add in stuff has been made to ensure it's longer shelf life too so it blocks the nutrients.
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Okay, here is an update to my girls condition. 

When I got home from work, I checked in on her. She had dumped her water out and food. So I couldn't tell if she had touched anything. 
She was still very alert, and boy was she stinky. So I decided to try and give her a warm bath in the tub to clean her up. Figure a bath always makes me feel a little better when feeling yucky. 
While in the tub she started drinking and cleaning herself. She was still trying to wing walk a little bit. Drained the tub and got some clean water in there again, this time I added just enough to let her float. (She was VERY happy to be floating.) 
It was at this time I noticed that she was keeping just her left foot out behind her and keeping her tail pushed towards the same foot. Never caught this before because she would always put both feet out when holding her and she kept her right side away while in the coop/kennel. 

Took her out of the tub and gently felt her leg. Couldn't feel any broken bones, but I did notice the leg felt hot to me and it seemed to be slightly swollen only down the back side, into the ankle and only the middle toe. I rechecked her foot for an infection. She did have a very small cut but it wasn't icky looking, no puss, wasn't red, and didn't feel hot. Touched her hip and she got upset with me. Her hip does not seem swollen, didn't feel any indication of a broken bone. She would let me move the leg, but I noticed she would pull her tail toward the leg when moving it. 

I put her back in the tub with some more clean water. She seemed to be very content to just float. After I was satisfied that she would be okay in the tub and could float and move around with no issue. I let her stay in there, figure taking any weight off the leg was making her feel better and it would help the leg if she was relaxed. I did notice at this point, she was holding the leg more forward then she was before, probably a few inches, not properly yet, but there was improvement. 

After about 45 min she wanted out, so I took her out and left her lay on a towel while I cleaned up the tub. Brought her back to her  kennel that the husband cleaned. Gave her some food that she did eat and some more water. 

This morning, she is still holding her foot more forward and she did eat a little more. Tonight I will give her another warm bath since she enjoyed it so much and it seemed to help. 

Thinking she jarred the hip going off the ramp in the coop, or she got into a tussle with one of the flock.... could it still be something else. 

Add to the bath, Epsom Salts. Don't let her drink it, supervised only. It will aid even more in reducing the swelling. Good luck.

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