The Duck Thread

They can sure fool ya, by now drakes should be much larger than females their legs are a big giveaway set farther apart under their body with longer body length too, females will have foot ball shaped body's shorter tails than drakes and legs set closer together to when they walk they look pigeon toed If you still have trouble post pics of the full body front view and side view. Beautiful Scovy's.
Eeeeee, football bodies. Kiss those girl Muscovies.
Yes he still is obsessed with the mirror, I have to clean him every morning bc he has his poo all over him from bc he stays right there. But now he at least leaves the mirror sometimes to eat and drink. I guess its a start...:/ :confused:
Awe, sweet JoJo. I am glad he's on his way.
Question about a hen laying eggs.... It's Tot's first time to lay eggs. She's been like clockwork and has made a sweet little nest. She and Tater have become a bonded pair and he has turned out to be a complete gentleman. She's gone from Tot the Snot, to a chilled out sweetheart. This morning I went to see if there was a new egg. We had 8 yesterday and they had clearly eaten one. Yolk all over one of the eggs and inside her nest. I'm not concerned since they probably aren't fertile anyway. It's time to change their bedding and I'm wondering what to do with her nest area. I'll remove any that have yolk on them so they aren't encouraged to eat those too or do I just gently clean them in lukewarm water and put them back? Not sure I can get the yolk off without really scrubbing them.
I figured I'd need to clean the floor too. Should I put the rest of the eggs in a nesting box? I want to have some hatch eventually so I don't want to discourage her instincts. I can also just put new bedding in and dig out an area, or simply set them on top. What to do, what to do?! Lol. LAST ONE, I swear.... She's got an egg in there from August 5th. We've had consistent temps in the upper 80's-upper 90's. How long can the eggs sit in that type of heat before I need to take them out? I surely don't want to find a lovely rotten surprise one morning! Blech!


I can't stand it anymore. I want to take it all out!
I would set aside the clean eggs. Sniff each one, up close. Anything smelling off gets composted, or whatever you do to dispose of them.

Pull out all the bedding, replace it, remake the nest as best as you can, see what happens.
Thanks Amiga! I usually turn the straw then put new on top, but as an old horse person, that creeps me out. Lol. I actually was able to take the top layer off, turn it and get anything else out that needed to go. I stayed away from the nest so I wouldn't turn any yolk covered straw into the rest. I'll do as you advised and see what happens. If the two with a little yolk are still good, CAN I wash them off and put them back or will they always have a faint yolk smell? I know... Without being here to see them, I've basically asked you to tell me what color hair I have, without looking at a pic. Can't hurt to ask in case there's a general rule about washing them or someone that's been down this road.
Thank ya ma'am!
Oh yeah! The other day, I went to do the bedding turn and Tater was in the coop. I raised the lid and we both were startled. Lol. He scooted out and the whole time I worked, he talked to me like he was not pleased! As soon as I was done, like walked to hang the rake up, lid of coop still raised, he ran his tail back in the coop, stood up tall and fluffed his feathers at me, all the while, giving me a piece of his mind. As I lowered the lid, he stayed, still irritated with me! Tot was in their little pool area, glassy eyed look on her face. He stood in the doorway, now directing his trash talk at her. She just looked at me like, "He's driving me nuts!" Cutest thing ever! He's gotten very protective of her and isn't over breeding her. He knows his people are a force for good, so don't be ugly to them. Well... He's finally gotten that message.
I'm so proud of how he's doting over her and the eggs. But then, one was eaten, so yeah.... She did stick her head in while I was counting this morning, and grabbed a tiny piece of what I now know was shell. Sorta did the, "ummmm, I'll take that if you don't mind." Slowly backing away in shame.
We'll get it figured out. They're young and I'm new. Didn't think to check beaks for evidence. Drat!
Oh yeah! The other day, I went to do the bedding turn and Tater was in the coop. I raised the lid and we both were startled. Lol. He scooted out and the whole time I worked, he talked to me like he was not pleased! As soon as I was done, like walked to hang the rake up, lid of coop still raised, he ran his tail back in the coop, stood up tall and fluffed his feathers at me, all the while, giving me a piece of his mind. As I lowered the lid, he stayed, still irritated with me! Tot was in their little pool area, glassy eyed look on her face. He stood in the doorway, now directing his trash talk at her. She just looked at me like, "He's driving me nuts!" Cutest thing ever! He's gotten very protective of her and isn't over breeding her. He knows his people are a force for good, so don't be ugly to them. Well... He's finally gotten that message.
I'm so proud of how he's doting over her and the eggs. But then, one was eaten, so yeah.... She did stick her head in while I was counting this morning, and grabbed a tiny piece of what I now know was shell. Sorta did the, "ummmm, I'll take that if you don't mind." Slowly backing away in shame.
We'll get it figured out. They're young and I'm new. Didn't think to check beaks for evidence. Drat!

I'm sorry. I've forgotten...what breed are your ducks?
Oh yeah! The other day, I went to do the bedding turn and Tater was in the coop. I raised the lid and we both were startled. Lol. He scooted out and the whole time I worked, he talked to me like he was not pleased! As soon as I was done, like walked to hang the rake up, lid of coop still raised, he ran his tail back in the coop, stood up tall and fluffed his feathers at me, all the while, giving me a piece of his mind. As I lowered the lid, he stayed, still irritated with me! Tot was in their little pool area, glassy eyed look on her face. He stood in the doorway, now directing his trash talk at her. She just looked at me like, "He's driving me nuts!" Cutest thing ever! He's gotten very protective of her and isn't over breeding her. He knows his people are a force for good, so don't be ugly to them. Well... He's finally gotten that message.
I'm so proud of how he's doting over her and the eggs. But then, one was eaten, so yeah.... She did stick her head in while I was counting this morning, and grabbed a tiny piece of what I now know was shell. Sorta did the, "ummmm, I'll take that if you don't mind." Slowly backing away in shame.
We'll get it figured out. They're young and I'm new. Didn't think to check beaks for evidence. Drat!
Such a cute picture in my mind over this. Your ducks are sweet talking and guarding and all.

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