The Duck Thread

Any ideas what I can do with a duck that just wants to be mean....He gets a long with my oldest hen but that's it. Have 4 more girls I want to integrate with the rest and he just attacks them. My other drake defends them but now the two are just fighting non stop. They are K.C.s my wife suggested I shoot him but he's my prettiest and biggest duck. And if I breed them that's a good trait. I just wonder if they will just get over it it not?
Any body have similar problems? Solutions? Or is he destine to be dinner?
Hi peeps, just have a minute to check in. I took some photos, here's Jaclyn on her perch. The one looks photoshopped but it's not.


The photos look a little eerie, it could be because of the full moon

Gorgeous night pic. Wow. And Jaclyn is so cute. She's all puff pancaked out on her perch. I need to squeeze her for that.
Any ideas what I can do with a duck that just wants to be mean....He gets a long with my oldest hen but that's it. Have 4 more girls I want to integrate with the rest and he just attacks them. My other drake defends them but now the two are just fighting non stop. They are K.C.s my wife suggested I shoot him but he's my prettiest and biggest duck. And if I breed them that's a good trait. I just wonder if they will just get over it it not?
Any body have similar problems? Solutions? Or is he destine to be dinner?
introductions take lots of time. You have to go slowly and first I would let them be able to see each other through a fence but not be able to touch. Once they aren't dead set on attacking then move on to supervised free time and take it from there. How long have you had him? Is he beating up the girls or just mating them. Duck sex is not a pretty sight as I'm sure you already know. How many females do you have?

Now my thought is that if you have a truly nasty duck that is just going to be mean and ornery I would not breed him and he would be dinner. I don't want mean, nasty ducks no matter how pretty they are. There are plenty of other nice and good looking drakes out there. But before it comes to that I would do everything in my power to make sure he has plenty of his own females and time to adjust.
Oh, AND BY THE WAY, the Muscovy's are free loaders. I'm going to have to look up their birth date but they have not laid an egg and I know it's time. It could be because our weather is a little chilly but I don't think that affects ducks. Spoiled rotten brat's. They did get some leaves from citrus trees today. They love eating those. Here is Rick & Lauren, "the couple " sharing a salad. I miss y'all


I might have to show these girls this photo. And remind them that the roasting pan is close by.:lau
Oh and also since I've spoken to you guys on the duck forum I ended up catching a gilded flicker woodpecker, it was injured I took it to the sanctuary. It did not make it through surgery.


Awe, poor thing. But bless you for trying to help him. He was beautiful. Your ducks are adorable. I have a question about Scovy vs mallard types. Your girl Jaclyn was perched on that stump log. I know Muscovies do that. It's not that high off the ground so would a mallard type ever do that?
I have them in two separate pens...the three adults I have are let out to roam the world during the day....the four young girls I would like to let them have more freedom. the two pens share a chicken wire they get plenty of face time. I'll just keep playing it by ear for a while...I might move the four girls to the bigger pen being the other three only stay inside at night.
The biggest problem with killing the duck is the three adults are pets they like to be picked up and handled. And beg just like a dog but I got to do what I got to do. But I'll give it more time and hope it all settles down. Thanks....Phil
My ducks love it outside in thr winter. I open the door and they go in and out as they please.

Yep! We've only just begun our winter weather but ive been busting about an inch of ice off the top of the pool every morning and my quackers gets in it several times a day! Dont know how she does it but it doesn't seem to bother her at all!
Oh, AND BY THE WAY, the Muscovy's are free loaders. I'm going to have to look up their birth date but they have not laid an egg and I know it's time. It could be because our weather is a little chilly but I don't think that affects ducks. Spoiled rotten brat's. They did get some leaves from citrus trees today. They love eating those. Here is Rick & Lauren, "the couple " sharing a salad. I miss y'all

I might have to show these girls this photo. And remind them that the roasting pan is close by.

Oh and also since I've spoken to you guys on the duck forum I ended up catching a gilded flicker woodpecker, it was injured I took it to the sanctuary. It did not make it through surgery.

@City farm Your Scovy's are beautiful but your not going to see an egg from them till next spring they are not like other domestics and start laying early they are usually 7-8-9 months old before they start..mine are usually around 9 months. . Love all the pics and sorry about the wood pecker.

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