The Duck Thread

We got between 30 and 34". The wind blew the powdery snow around for a few whiteouts and the electric stayed on.

The ducks were not impressed being locked up for 2 days. When they first went out, they looked at the snow and then climbed the pile and went outside. Usually they stand on top of the frozen pond and give me the stinkeye, this time it was 3 feet under them. lol

DH shoveled for them and they go in and out all day. The chickens refuse to leave. lol

How did you and yours fare?
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If you are planning on adding more ducks to your two females, Are they Drakes. ? If you have any more then 1 Drake, you will have a problem because Drakes will fight each other and to many drakes are not good for you 2 hens. If you want pets, then I would forget the Drakes. Unless you are going to eat them.
I sexed the ducks and apparently I actually have 9 hens and 2 drakes. One of the hens has a raspy quack halfway between that of a drake and a hen. She also looks rather feminine so I assume she's either a hen or a hemaphrodite.
I have 2 drakes because one is a backup. Sometimes a drake dies for whatever reason. . and I want ducklings.
We got between 30 and 34". The wind blew the powdery snow around for a few whiteouts and the electric stayed on.

The ducks were not impressed being locked up for 2 days. When they first went out, they looked at the snow and then climbed the pile and went outside. Usually they stand on top of the frozen pond and give me the stinkeye, this time it was 3 feet under them. lol

DH shoveled for them and they go in and out all day. The chickens refuse to leave. lol

How did you and yours fare?

Good deal! I think we only got about 15-18" and didn't lose power either... thank goodness! Ducks don't seem to mind it at all! Chickens have stayed in the coops a lot, but today is looking better already.
My DH used to say the same but now it's no more ducklings in the house, lol. I can have as many as I want now, just not inside

That's good to hear.

YAY for securing a duck run/coop...
you find a house soon
I know. Thank you. It's exciting knowing what my future holds.
If it's safe, I would leave them there... she should wait a bit til they're ready to come out... yes, put food and water right near her for them... it also should help her stay put if she has food and water within reach as well...
It's safe for sure and her food and water are right there with her. I put water in for the babies today and will add food for them tomorrow. There were some internal pips when I candled on Sunday and I heard cheeps last night but they still haven't hatched from what I can tell. She's not coming off that nest and I think she'd take a finger or two if I reached in there. Our weather turned cold and rainy so if they have hatched they are staying well covered.
How cold is it? You still need to feed them crumbles and keep clean water (no easy feat). She will set until she has decided enough have hatched to suit her. Then she will take the babies and leave the unhatched eggs. Lots of things like to eat ducks if all sizes, so make sure they are in a safe place. Mama will teach them to eat and drink and will keep them warm and they will follow her everywhere. The babies won't climb a ramp for a while, keep everything at their level at first. Don't forget to take lots of pictures and just take time to enjoy them, they grow FAST.
Our weather just turned cold and rainy. It's supposed to be back in the high 60's Thursday and even 80 on Sunday. I'm so worried if she takes them out with her will she bring them back in for the night when everyone gets locked up?

Good deal! I think we only got about 15-18" and didn't lose power either... thank goodness! Ducks don't seem to mind it at all! Chickens have stayed in the coops a lot, but today is looking better already.
WOW, glad you all are OK and warm.
Hi...I have a duck that seems to be having an issue with its right eye. Not red or full of pus. Just missing the feathers around the eye at this point.
Eye looks okay. I've seen on another thread they talked about putting Apple cider vinegar into the drinking water.
But they didn't say how much. And it was an old thread so asking there would probably be fruitless....anyone know?
Hi...I have a duck that seems to be having an issue with its right eye. Not red or full of pus. Just missing the feathers around the eye at this point.
Eye looks okay. I've seen on another thread they talked about putting Apple cider vinegar into the drinking water.
But they didn't say how much. And it was an old thread so asking there would probably be fruitless....anyone know?
1-2 Tablespoons ACV to 1 gal. you can also try rinsing her eye with a saline wash 1/2 to 1 tea of salt to 1 cup of warm water use a dropper to rinse out her eye
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1-2 Tablespoons to 1 gal.  you can also try rinsing her eye with a saline wash  1/2 to 1 tea of salt to 1 cup of warm water use  a dropper to rinse out her eye
Thank you. I just looked real clear to the eye. It's okay but seems to be slightly swollen. My drake are p
Pretty aggressive but I don't think it's just an injury. I'm going to the pharmacy to see about triple anti biotic ointment also.
I have a question, need opinions.

We are going to start putting a floor under my duck's pen. Since we will be moving/taking down their pen I will need to house the ducks somewhere that is predator proof. I have a large dog crate but it will be small if I put their food/water/laying boxes in it. Can grown ducks go without feed and water overnight? It shouldn't be but for a few days.

My ducks demand to be put up at 6 pm and we let them out around 8 am. Is this too long to go without water and food? They are free roaming during the day.

Thanks in advance.
I have a question, need opinions.

We are going to start putting a floor under my duck's pen. Since we will be moving/taking down their pen I will need to house the ducks somewhere that is predator proof. I have a large dog crate but it will be small if I put their food/water/laying boxes in it. Can grown ducks go without feed and water overnight? It shouldn't be but for a few days.

My ducks demand to be put up at 6 pm and we let them out around 8 am. Is this too long to go without water and food? They are free roaming during the day.

Thanks in advance.
Not many of us put food and water inside at night they will be fine. Mine go in before 4pm and are let out at 7:15 haven't lost one yet

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