The Duck Thread

Thanks... all my ducks run around from sunrise to sunset. I have never tried ducks eggs. If I like them I will be happy to eat them. If not my dogs will love them I'm sure. I was just keeping the girls in the coop to see if anyone would lay claim to the eggs. No one did. So I have them in the fridge. The eggs not the ducks.

They have a fence in yard 50x50. Then a 10x10 coop. More then enough room to enjoy the day and be happy. I have started letting them out in the yard in the evening but they never stay out very long. So far about 17 minutes then they go back in to there fenced in area. Not sure why they don't stay out longer. Guess they don't fill safe outside the wire.
If you like to bake you'll love duck eggs for baking. To me they are not much different than a chicken egg in taste although my dh would beg to differ. He grew up on chicken eggs. We also eat goose eggs which to me are like a huge chicken egg.
My dogs love them too.

Sounds like they have a real nice area. They feel very safe and secure in.
I'm not sure. Their were like 12 here at the beginning of the summer now just this one. They weren't here before

What do they look like? If it's a Canada goose it's likely wild and because of the angel wing it couldn't fly away with the others. If it's anything else it's likely domestic (there are a few other things it might be, but they are migratory and really only winter in CA, like snow geese).
More questions.
Ok with them laying now. What should I do for feed.? What needs to be added or changed to there daily diet.
They eat
15% grower/finisher
Cracked corn
Frozen but thawed out peas and corn
Spring salad mix from Walmart
and all the bugs they can eat
And all the fresh grass they can eat.
They are 31 days old today.
More questions.
Ok with them laying now. What should I do for feed.? What needs to be added or changed to there daily diet.
They eat
15% grower/finisher
Cracked corn
Frozen but thawed out peas and corn
Spring salad mix from Walmart
and all the bugs they can eat
And all the fresh grass they can eat.
They are 31 days old today.
31 days old and laying? lol I use deep litter in my houses and the girls just make their nest right in the shavings off in a corner by themselves

I'd begin giving layer to my girls now,but since I have drakes, gander and roosters though I make my mix 2to1 2-50lb bags of layer to 1 bag of broiler and offer oyster shell on the side. My newest layers are 18 weeks old today Mine get cracked/whole corn and meal worms for an afternoon snack.
31 days old and laying? lol   I use deep litter in my houses and the girls just make their nest right in the shavings off in a corner by themselves

I'd begin giving layer to my girls now,but since I have drakes, gander and roosters though I make my mix 2to1  2-50lb bags of layer to 1 bag of broiler and offer oyster shell on the side. My newest layers are 18 weeks old today Mine get cracked/whole corn and meal worms for an afternoon snack.
I have drakes too. 6 of them

From what I read. They are not fully mature(hit adult hood) till around 20 weeks. So I think my girls are doing great.
What do they look like? If it's a Canada goose it's likely wild and because of the angel wing it couldn't fly away with the others. If it's anything else it's likely domestic (there are a few other things it might be, but they are migratory and really only winter in CA, like snow geese).

It was grey with brown neck. No knob. Kind of slim. It definitely looked like the angel wing. Adleast from the pictures I've seen. I call a wildlife refuge and left a message. I'm going to go back and check on it tomorrow..

vinegar is good and not harmful.

Thank you that's what I'll use. :)
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