The EE braggers thread!!!

Question.  Has anyone ordered hatching eggs through the mail?  I'm looking to get some new colors, well muffed and bearded Ameraucanas.  I have nine; two roosters (a red pyle blue splash wheaten and a wildly colored red pyle,) three red partridge, one blue splash white, one blue splash wheaten, one silver partridge and one minimal partridge red.  All of them, save the red partridges, have good muffs and beards.

I've never hatched eggs before, this is actually my first year with chickens. 

Any ideas?  I'm sure some of you have nice flocks that would help mine along, but I know nothing about hatching eggs or having eggs mailed to me.  The mail seems like a bad idea for shipping eggs, but how else could you get them?  There are TONS on eBay.


P.S.  What I'm looking for are silver partridge, whites, spangles and other crazy colors.  But they all need to be well bearded and muffed.

I've bought many eggs from EBay.It gets a bad rap.Most are the same people as on BYC.Acually I know some very good breeders who sell eggs on eBay.
That said shipping does a number on eggs.I've had zero hatch and one 100% hatch but for the most part out of 15 eggs I'd get 3 to 7
Still... if the breed or color wasn't sold near me then I figure if I get 2 or 3... one a hen one a roo..I'm ahead of the game as I can hatch as many of my own as I want from my pair
I have many pretty and less common colors of Orps and Brahmas now and I'm happy

So as long as you know it is a gamble to get shipped eggs then go for it!!Just don't expect super hatch rates.

As far as incubating.get the best incubator you can buy
.I'd suggest a Brinsea if you cant afford the sportman and most people can't .Just don't mess with cheaper.The temperature jumps all Over. They are just too aggravating

You get what you pay for in incubators.
Plus by the time you buy eggs here and there to get the hatches you want and maybe fail... you could have bought a nice Brinsea and gotten good hatches
I dont say this because I own one .I don't. But it would be my choice now if I was starting out and buying one.
Reason is Been On the hatching threads for a few years I see people with Brinseas don't seem to complain of nothing hatching.So go big spend a little more get a quality incubator...or build your own good big one. Ive heard from many they are superior to bought... for about $70 and large.
.Great easy directions on YouTube the best being Cash Lane Poultry videos on wiring and building a cooler bator.He's great.I'm a grandma and can do the wiring with his easy instructions..Added a fan to one incubator easy peasy.I'm building my own cooler bator this month.
.Plus these videos of his tells you where to purchase items to build it.
Good luck on your hatching adventures
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Thanks for the info.  I purchased my chicks from the local farm store, and they were labeled 'Aracana/Ameraucana.'  Easter egger was in their description.  Keep in mind, this is a farm store in rural Northern Michigan...  From what I've gathered (which isn't much, this is my first year with chickens,) the EE isn't a pure breed of chicken, but rather a combination of other breeds to achieve a variety of colors in both the chickens and their eggs.  I have absolutely no intentions of showing my chickens, I just love having a multi-colored flock with beards and muffs that lay colored eggs.  I was mistaken on the 'breed' name.  Fun colors, beards, muffs and colored eggs are my goal.  I believe those are what Easter Eggers are?

Don't worry it's a mistake many people make until they know..No biggy.
True Amercaunas or true Arcaunas lay blue eggs every time.....EEs are yes a cross of any bread and an Amercauna or Arcauna or EE....they lay blue or green eggs depending on the other breed the offspring thats laying is from.Tan egg layer= green eggs..white egg layer= blue eggs.
EE are just crosses but you get such a pretty variety of birds with a mix Pure or not!!.
Also I have a hen Lavender true Amercauna mixed with English Orpington beautiful fluffy blue girl..that doesnt have beard or tufts at all ...but still lay green eggs also a Light Brahma cross with Lav Amercauna who's off white with black wing tips no beard no tufts... lays green eggs .
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I got what I believe is my first egg from my Maran x Americana.

Just aqua colored?  I was thinking with the maran they would be more olive.  Any thoughts?

I got these from someone else.  The hens look like marans with tufts, so I assume they are what she says they are.

Every egg from an EE that turns into a hen may not have the blue gene and maybe they are more breeds in the mix.than maran..Maybe your others will lay what you want.I have sisters that look like identical twins lays green other tan.
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Guys, I do not have EE's anymore!!! My dog killed all 5 of the only ones i had!!

So, I have to leave this thread
but I'm planning on getting more so I'll join again when i get them

Sorry to hear that!

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