The EE braggers thread!!!

They look amazing. Someday I'll have some of my own.
Oh, my goodness, he just gets prettier and prettier! We now have some nice, long, pointy saddle feathers and his hackles have gone gold. Hard to believe this boy started off as a plain yellow chick! Clark is going through a tail molt so please excuse the varied length feathers there

I hope it's okay to brag about deceased ee's because the one I'm the most fond of is our EE roo named Rufus.

He came in a batch of six EE's of course sold as Ameracaunas from the local feed store but I knew better lol. A couple weeks later we were watching a friend's dog and while the feathered out chicks were grazing the crazy dog went for them. He was the only one that survived. We kept him inside with us until we could get some more chicks. To make the long story from being any longer he was a blast. Knew his name, loved to be in your lap and was a gentleman in protecting his girls. We lost him and our Wellie roo to a bobcat. They both rushed in to defend the ladies and lost their lives for it.

Sorry to be so long winded and sorry for the picture quality:

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Aw thanks Velvet
It's been a year and I'm still sad about the whole thing. We do have new roosters now but unfortunately none that we like quite as much as those two.
Can you experts tell me if all three of my girls are really girls? I have no doubts really with the two yellowish ones, but its the darker one I worry about....


I am starting to lean toward pullet for this one also...anyone else?

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