The EE braggers thread!!!


I was just wondering what causes this? I can understand inbreeding in other"pure" breeds causing deformities but in EE's it seems strange? I have never heard of this in Australia but I am not heavily involved with breeders.
It is midday of the 23rd in Australia so may I take this opportunity to wish every one a very Merry Christmas & a relaxing and Happy New Year.
Mystery, i think. I researched it a bit since one of my hatchery d'uccles had it. Started out normal, then crossed as he grew. :(

I have seen poor breeder nutrition implicated, many defects in chicks can be traced to that so it's possible. The other thought is that it's poor genetics, so that may lean towards what you were saying with the inbreeding.

At any rate, it's pretty well agreed that you shouldn't breed a crossbeak because there is a good chance of passing the deformity on to the babies.
I need help! Im worried my "pullet" is looking a little suspicious. She is Leghron/Ameraucana cross. most of the other roos were very obvious at 2-3 weeks but now the only chick I kept is pinking up in the comb, legs looking thick, stubby tail and not a lot of head feathers. She is exactly 5 weeks. What do you think?

When I picked out my girls at the feed store, I got one lighter EE and one darker, thinking I would get different looking girls. You can see how well that worked out below:



The only way to tell the difference easily is that Arya's pantaloons are lighter in color than Sansa's.
i love the frist and third pic
Our 2 EE babies have found new friends!! They are now big enough to hang out with the kiddos. all 4 of them sat there for about 30min watching Kung Fu Panda before one of the chicks had an accident & they went back in their pen. <33333333 My little brown one fell asleep twice!

Couldn't get my daughter to pay any attention to the camera....while my son made his squishy face smile

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