The EE braggers thread!!!

I was out a week or two ago and noticed all 3 of my EE chicks have their outside toe with the claw pointing back. It is basically a crooked toe and after some research was told it needs to be corrected at a younger age. But, my question is: are crooked toes more common in EE's b/c I have never had this problem in approximatly 50 birds and on the thread it seemed the majority of people had the issue with their EEs.
You may be on to something. My game hen, Gamey, is the meanest of all of my chickens, but she is also my best broody hen. She is viscious, and has mauled a few of my Hens to the point of having to put them into "hospital cages" (isolation) for healing. She'll have their heads and eyes pecked to the point of no eyes visible due to swelling and heads twice as large as normal. However, she's the best broody I could imagine. I also have to think that game hens are totally broody because every one that I have had (6, so far) have all went broody. Gamey is the sole survivor of my first 4, and the other 3 died from being caught from their hidden nests. I have traded for 2 more, and one is now nesting (she only comes up for food in the mornings, then disappears, and Gamey and Blackie are nesting and then leaving eggs, for the past 2 weeks. I know from Gamey's past that this is a precursor to her selecting eggs and a laying basket for a clutch. Maybe the toughest, meanest of the birds are the best for our purposes? Cog (My Alpha Roo and avatar) is the toughest, meanest of the bunch, tho he is not aggressive to humans, and is the only bird that Gamey will "bow" to. She beats the snot out of any other of my Roos that tries to breed with her, even tho she is half their size. It's the not the size of the Hen in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the Hen. She does bow to me and wants her chest rubbed. She loves a good rubbing of the breast bone. In my experience, Amies/EE's are very docile, non-aggressive Roos, tho they will be mean lil rapists toward the Hens, while in that "teen-aged" stage.
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He is really nice looking. The big patches of white on the wings are another clue. I guess by your user name that you aren't allowed to keep roosters?
I guess we could have a roo, but really don't want my neighbors to have to listen to the racket. Our girls are pretty quiet. I have 6 SLW roos that came as packing peanuts that I will have to eventually prep for dinner.
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Well a lovely egg basket today; I now have 5 EE girls laying.

The one in the center of the top row is from a pullet out of a black australorp hen bred to a EE roo. The others are all EExEE. The brown ones are from my Welsummer & Wellie crosses. Except that real small dark one. I'm not sure what that girl is; she came with the EE but has a straight comb and a couple tiny feathers on each leg.
Well a lovely egg basket today; I now have 5 EE girls laying.

The one in the center of the top row is from a pullet out of a black australorp hen bred to a EE roo. The others are all EExEE. The brown ones are from my Welsummer & Wellie crosses. Except that real small dark one. I'm not sure what that girl is; she came with the EE but has a straight comb and a couple tiny feathers on each leg.
maybe a marans or marans cross
maybe a marans or marans cross
I thought about that, but went back over the photos and list the breeder sent me and the closest I can come is a RIRxCochin. she is mostly red, but has a few feathers along the back with partridge pattern like Welsummers. So not sure and of course it's possible an egg got mislabeled or a roo jumped a fence. I don't really care; when her eggs get grown up size I'll probably breed her to my EE boys and get olive eggers.

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