The EE braggers thread!!!

Just tell him it is the "new math". lol

hahaha... I could fill a whole chalkboard with these calculations...

They're just so darn poofy faced...
hi jerryse,
where do you find barred EE's? they sound beautiful! can you get them at the local feed store when they have chicks? thanks
There are a few us trying to breed them to the ameraucana standard.The big hangup is the barring gene that interrupts black in the feathers also makes the legs slate and white spotted.Some members insist they must be slate.I have been getting a few with slate legs.Difficult but I di not believe impossible as some have claimed.You can make your own using a barred rock rooster.For EE no standard problems.This is a second generation cross.
I'm not sure about the answer to your question, but didn't want this to get lost.  Illness (and broodiness) can halt egg production, and when they start up again, the eggs will sometimes be smaller and an off color. It can take time for their system to get back on track.  If she was laying normal eggs and then suddenly they went small and pale, I'd say you have a different problem. If the small/pale eggs are the first to come after her month off, I think she just needs a bit more time.

Thanks for replying, I realize most people haven't had this problem. I'm starting to be very worried that she is an internal layer because for the past 2 days she's been going in the nesting box for an hour or 2 but not laying anything, and I know she's not broody, I've had broody chickens and this is not that. She was also acting off today, laying in the yard when all the other chickens were up foraging. :/ It's always the favorites that get sick, isn't it?
There are a few us trying to breed them to the ameraucana standard.The big hangup is the barring gene that interrupts black in the feathers also makes the legs slate and white spotted.Some members insist they must be slate.I have been getting a few with slate legs.Difficult but I di not believe impossible as some have claimed.You can make your own using a barred rock rooster.For EE no standard problems.This is a second generation cross.
thanks, i would love to get a rooster , but i live in a neighborhood and i want them to still like me. so i will stick to just girls!
personally I like a mixed flock makes for a nice basket although I wouldn't be opposed to all ee's.
i have to ask you, is your avatar an EE? if so, it is beautiful!! if not, what is it? i am just getting started, don't even have chicks yet or a coop. there are so many different chickens, i had NO idea! i am having such a difficult time deciding what to get. at first i was only going to get four. then the feed store said the minimum was 6. so then i went from six to twelve and then back down to six. this is so confusing, i can see why people just keep getting more and more. but i can't even seem to be able to decide what kind i want. i know i want some EE's, but i think adding a few different ones would be cool, too. what size eggs do your ee's lay?
I have EEs and Barred Rocks and love them both. EEs will always be my favorite though. But the Barred Rocks are very pretty to look at and good egg layers and they do have good personalities.
are they as friendly as the EE''s? i have two young daughters who will want to pick them up and interact with them. do the barred rocks enjoy that or just the EE's?
are they as friendly as the EE''s? i have two young daughters who will want to pick them up and interact with them. do the barred rocks enjoy that or just the EE's?
Yes they are. All my chickens are rather friendly. My Barred Rocks are calm, nice and laid back. I have 3 DDs and they all pick up all our chicks and chickens and carry them around.
Here are my EE chicks, I thought I'd share! They're three weeks old in this picture, I take weekly pictures of them (every Saturday) so this is from last Saturday, and they're closer to a month now, They're growing their head feathers already! Ah, what happened to my fuzzy little chickies?


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