The EE braggers thread!!!

Though my EE is still just a babie, I can allready tell that she's going to have beautiful plumage, and a sweet personality. Where I live, I'm strictly prohibited from keeping roos, and am limited to a certain number of chickens because of my small ammount of land. (I can tell you that it's less than an acre) I really would like to breed her when she gets older. Any ideas on how to borrow a rooster?
That's an EE if I've ever seen one (and ok... I've chicken math'd a lot of EE's at this point)!

This is just for grins... I wasn't aware that the cheek poofs keep growing post-hatch...

My newest addition on day 1:

Same chick on day 3:

She couldn't see anything! Completely blind! I had to give her a super careful little under-eye cheek fluff trim... like you have to do for a poodle between groomings. She sat extremely still, peeping quietly and making sleepy purrs. After I put her back in the brooder she fell backwards on her butt with eyes open wide like... "whoa." Acting normal now. lol
Though my EE is still just a babie, I can allready tell that she's going to have beautiful plumage, and a sweet personality. Where I live, I'm strictly prohibited from keeping roos, and am limited to a certain number of chickens because of my small ammount of land. (I can tell you that it's less than an acre) I really would like to breed her when she gets older. Any ideas on how to borrow a rooster?

There was a short discussion about this on another thread. I think it may be difficult. If you bring the rooster to you, it will probably crow at some point. If you take your hen to the roo, the stress may cause a disruption in laying. Either way you are risking the spread of disease.

There must be a way to artificially inseminate a chicken. But how would you get the 'donation'?

Ideas anyone?
I just want to share pics of my EE's. we love them so much.

Sweet little smoky in front and pretty Penny in back.
I love Smoky's coloring. Beautiful birds.
Quote: You can AI a chicken - they do it with silkies that they don't want to mess up for show but they still want to collect fertile eggs for hatching. I think if you do a search you can find out how to collect. You would need a rooster for "donations".

Would you be incubating your eggs? My EEs never went broody and hatched anything - I had to get a Silkie to be a broody and she did great.
I love that little chick who had to have her cheeks trimmed! I want more EE's!

Chickenmamma: thanks. I love Smokey's color too. I just wish she had the cheek fluff. She has been such a sweetheart, just recently started laying after her winter break!

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