The EE braggers thread!!!

Thank you Chirpingcricket. I have been waiting for my EE's to get old enough to try to get some help figuring out if they are pullets or roos. They are still too young yet. I will post them in a couple weeks they will be abt. a month old then.
That sure is one strikingly handsome roo!!!
Aw thanks! :D He turned out better than I thought
She is a lovely EE, and if she is giving you lots of eggs that is the best quality you need. She is not a show bird, but she is beautiful. She looks like she is getting along well with your Silkie bunch!
That is some amazing lacing on those birds. Red Laced Blue Wyandotte crosses? Gypsy is very handsome too!
I have nooooo idea. Bought them as Ameraucanas, not knowing that the were actually EEs
Wow! Your flock is stunning! Gypsy is such a handsome boy.
Thanks! I only have 5 EEs but I love them and really want more
Okay! He is so handsome! How is his behavior? I think I need one.
Thanks! He is good to the hens. Tells them where treats are and is a good protector. However, he is kinda touchy when I come in to coop to get eggs. I think it's because I bought him with no human contact so he isn't really fond of humans. Otherwise, he probably would be perfect. His crow is gorgeous and overall beautiful.
My friend's dad owns about 60 EEs. He loves his roos because he spends lots of time with them as babies so they grow up alright and friendly. But he does have the occasion aggressive roo but that comes with all breeds.
Sorry I have not been on here lately. I just wanted to share my Easter EE hatch with fellow EE lovers.

This is my first time using an incubator. I set 18 EE and 4 bcm under EE roo (so OEs). Out of the 22 eggs set 11 EE and 3 OE eggs hatched. Sorry but can't yet tell the difference in the EE vs OE chicks.

Here's a couple of close up pics
Sorry I have not been on here lately. I just wanted to share my Easter EE hatch with fellow EE lovers.

This is my first time using an incubator. I set 18 EE and 4 bcm under EE roo (so OEs). Out of the 22 eggs set 11 EE and 3 OE eggs hatched. Sorry but can't yet tell the difference in the EE vs OE chicks.

Here's a couple of close up pics

They are all so cute! Maybe the OEs will have feather leggs if your BCM has feather leggs? I LOVE chipmunk chicks!
Hello everyone! I am super excited! We have one regular sized EE, and she is a doll, well we just picked up a couple EE banties!! YAY! Their names are Razzle and Dazzle. They are so feisty and fearless! Cracks me up! At a week old already they are flying around. Crazy lil dive bombers! Ha Ha!!
Glam shot!


Chickie is officially 8 years old as of the beginning of this month. :) (Cubby is, too, but she would not sit still for a good picture.)

And here's Merlin looking intense (as usual :rolleyes: ) :

Hi Everyone.
I am a first time poster to this thread, but I have been following it for a while. I wanted to share some pictures of my EE'ers. They are just short of a year old. The women I got them from said she crossed Americana hens with either white leghorns or Andalusians roosters. I love the way they look. They are egg laying machines. They all lay sky blue eggs. I have 6 birds and I get 5 or 6 eggs a day. They are hands down my best layers.
Have a look.


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