The EE braggers thread!!!

I didn't get my Roos until they were 9 months old and I have handled them and they are big babies. They will fly up on my shoulder and sit in my lap. I have had other types of Roos and from my experience by far EE are the best.

I just introduced several 3 month old chicks to my flock. I started out by putting them in a large wire dog kennel in the barn with the flock. They stayed in that for 3 days then I started letting them range with the flock. The Roos pay no attention to them and the hens only when its feeding time and then they will push them around some. They pretty much free range as 2 flocks. I still put them in their kennel at night and will keep doing that until they get a little bigger.

Now at my feed store there is one guy who knows a lot and can pretty much pick out the pullets. With EE I have found those that get their tell feathers first are more than likely pullets. He is great and will tell you about the breeds and show you how he is sexing them and what to look for in a nice bird. Now the other employees is a different story.

My advice is if you know what breed of chick you want get on here and look at pictures and make yourself familiar with the breed from info on this site and others so you know what you are looking for.
My advice is if you know what breed of chick you want get on here and look at pictures and make yourself familiar with the breed from info on this site and others so you know what you are looking for.
Great advice. I can't count how many times I have seen "the person at the feed store said they were ______ but they now look like ________" People need to educate themselves. You wouldn't go to the pet store looking for an Australian Shepard and come home with a Cocker Spaniel just because the person at the store told you that it was an Aussie.
Great advice. I can't count how many times I have seen "the person at the feed store said they were ______ but they now look like ________" People need to educate themselves. You wouldn't go to the pet store looking for an Australian Shepard and come home with a Cocker Spaniel just because the person at the store told you that it was an Aussie.

Oh and I always ALWAYS handle the chick my self. Check beak, feet, legs, wings, and booty.

On a funny note my OCD kicked in one time when I was there and dealing with a unknowledgable employee. I was looking at turkey poults and my daughter ask if we could get one of these cute little Silkies...
I said yes and she picked out a blue and yellow chick. When I was doing my inspection I was like this chick has no puffy cheeks, no vaulted head, and had yellow feet and skin. After about the 3rd chick I looked at the tag on brooder and DUH... They were Cochins, but yet the girl didn't know any better and kept catching me chicks to reject.
you're welcome!! How many EE's do you have?
4 adults, 3 juvenilies (probably spelled that wrong o well lol), Somewhere between 2and 4 chicks (would have to count later to be for sure), and six eggs in the incubator. Below in my signature I list all of my breeds, but haven't updated that for awhile, it is a little out of date lol.
Oh my word!!! Sometimes I feel like I should work at Tractor Supply-- their chicks looked AWFUL!! I was like "UH! Someone get a wet cottonball, this chick has major pastybutt!" And they had like no feed!
This might be a little gross, but I will see a dead chick in the tubs and the employees just sit there and do nothing about it! So if I see a chick that is dead I take care of it myself. Because like I want to see a little kid go over there to look at the chicks and say "mommy whats wrong with that chickie". I have seen it happen before and it is just sad.
my December chicks have grown up and are laying beautiful eggs in a variety of blues, greens, and creams... and the bantam Cochin EE I was so lucky to get from a fellow byc'er hatched one chick out of three eggs in mid winter, a BR x EE, turns out to be a little cockerel, but he's really cute!

this last one shows the boys during their last day with the girls. they have their own 10' x 20' pen now.

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