The EE braggers thread!!!

I have a new broody. One of My OE I hatched last year has turned into a fussy, fluffy, pecking hen. She was very protective of the golfballs. So last night we did the chicken shuttle. Broody with 9 day olds went into the main pen. The broody with the 4 day olds went into the chicken tractor out in the yard. It has a nest box that is like ft knox and the new girl is in the broody hutch with 12 green eggs. She can't be any worse than my first broody. The first 2 batches she hatched out last year where awful. She took care of the first hatched baby. She killed all the others. I didn't know till it was too late. So the first time around she had 1 we named it Uno a pullet. The 2nd time around last year. She didn't have time to kill them off I saved 6 and raised them myself. This year We gave her random eggs and she hatched 9. She is taking good care of them. But she is down to 5. Since she runs the yard, I'm guessing it was a hawk or cat. But no worries I only need 5 new hens this year so any extras will be sold in the spring. I sold 11 this spring. Pullets sell fast around here. I have a waiting list for them lol. I just wish rooster where in demand. A honey do list for a rooster pen is on the table. Then I can keep them till freezer camp time.
Little Hika Ma crowed this morning at 23 days old! Are the white patches on his shoulders the typical male EE patchy coloration, or is it too early for that to be showing up yet?

His black/white look is common and often you'll see brick red come in later where the white wing patches are starting now.
Okay, thank you for your response. :) I'm excited to see how he develops! He started out kind of silvery brown, then started to get white on his chest, and now his neck feathers are coming in kind of yellowish, like citron. :D
We have 3 EEs that are about 14 weeks old and we're pretty sure they are all boys based on comb, coloring, and size. But we haven't heard a single crow yet? They are the oldest chickens we have and the only boys other than the RIR we also think is a roo, maybe they're quieter because they haven't heard the example of an older guy?
Does anyone have a Columbian colored roo with no rust or any color on the wings? If so, please post a picture. I have a 3 month old that is all white except the classic black points on the hackles, wings and tail area (it is rumpless, so no tail) . I haven't seen any pictures of roo's like this, they all have rust/brown on their wings.
Nope on the roo. I did wind up wioth a columbian hen this go around though. First time I've ever seen columbian in EE's.
Nope on the roo. I did wind up wioth a columbian hen this go around though. First time I've ever seen columbian in EE's.

Well, i bought it as a sexed Araucana pullet, but it's not an Araucana according to the Araucana thread, and it is "crowing", sort of, so it's not a pullet either. I am just wondering if maybe it's a pullet that is developing early or maybe a hermaphrodite, since the coloring and feathering isn't roo'ish.
We have 3 EEs that are about 14 weeks old and we're pretty sure they are all boys based on comb, coloring, and size. But we haven't heard a single crow yet? They are the oldest chickens we have and the only boys other than the RIR we also think is a roo, maybe they're quieter because they haven't heard the example of an older guy?

My first roster didn’t crow until he was almost 4 months old, I think they can take longer if they aren't raised around older rosters. They'll get it eventually though!
My first roster didn’t crow until he was almost 4 months old, I think they can take longer if they aren't raised around older rosters. They'll get it eventually though!

He was raised around 2 other roosters and one of the chicks he was raised with is a silver sebright that is ALL rooster. Hasn't been a doubt for weeks. But this EE has me confused. I don't want it to be a roo cause I will have to get rid of him (too big to keep in the garage with the seramas) so, I guess I am just still holding out hope it's a girl, however fruitlessly :D He's so sweet and calm and I know he would make a great roo, but my neighbors a jerk, so I can keep him :(
He was raised around 2 other roosters and one of the chicks he was raised with is a silver sebright that is ALL rooster. Hasn't been a doubt for weeks. But this EE has me confused. I don't want it to be a roo cause I will have to get rid of him (too big to keep in the garage with the seramas) so, I guess I am just still holding out hope it's a girl, however fruitlessly :D He's so sweet and calm and I know he would make a great roo, but my neighbors a jerk, so I can keep him :(

Post a pic of him, maybe you're wrong and he's a she!

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