The EE braggers thread!!!

Here's some updated ones of my Eleanor. The cream egg laying EE. She's 26 weeks. Her first egg was Saturday the 9th. Today's photo shoot along with a picture of her first egg and her egg from today with my RIR and BSL's. It's crazy to me how her first 2 eggs are as big if not larger than ones I get from my girls who have been laying for a month. She is my biggest chicken though, so I guess it's only right. I still haven't gotten a scale yet but I hope they get even bigger and she gives me nice big jumbos.
She is simply gorgeous, and her egg is lovely! Lual

MY ONLY EE- in line up L-R, Alice is obviously 4th. Alice was, is, my introduction to EEs. She lays light blue eggs, i have owned chooks for many years but have never introduced an adult hen that I was warned was "wild", as in no human contact. I purchased her out of desperation as I could not find a small hen for my beloved old rooster, Ollie (far right).. When I first saw her, she looked so skinny compared to my big hens and cochin bantams and she was VERY scared. She really freaked out when I entered the coop and I waited about 10 days before free ranging them as I thought she may just leave. I do not know what happened but Alice just kind of took over. She became Ollies favourite hen, bossed EVERYONE else around and is the most curious hen (in everythings face) that I have ever owned. She really makes me laugh, she is so different. Is this normal EE behaviour? If I breed her or buy another, will I get this same zany character?
I think that they all have their own personalities : )
This thread and today's 1st green egg had us doing some quick calculations. The twelve girls are 27-28 weeks now and gave us 10 eggs today. This photo was taken May 13th of our little chipmunk in the bathtub nursery.

MY ONLY EE- in line up L-R, Alice is obviously 4th. Alice was, is, my introduction to EEs. She lays light blue eggs, i have owned chooks for many years but have never introduced an adult hen that I was warned was "wild", as in no human contact. I purchased her out of desperation as I could not find a small hen for my beloved old rooster, Ollie (far right).. When I first saw her, she looked so skinny compared to my big hens and Cochin bantams and she was VERY scared. She really freaked out when I entered the coop and I waited about 10 days before free ranging them as I thought she may just leave. I do not know what happened but Alice just kind of took over. She became Ollies favourite hen, bossed EVERYONE else around and is the most curious hen (in everythings face) that I have ever owned. She really makes me laugh, she is so different. Is this normal EE behaviour? If I breed her or buy another, will I get this same zany character?

Is that a wallaby on the left? I have heard similar statements from people with EE's, Ameraucanas, Auracanas and Colonas and Sweet Potatoe Quetchas. I think it is in the South American gene pool in general. They are a quirky surprising bird.
I have been getting ready for my daughters visit so I hadn't checked to see if my Olive Egger pullets had started laying yet. This evening I heard one of them singing the egg song and went out to check and this is what I found!

Sorry EE girl is pretty quiet too, unless she sees a hawk, or leaf, or the cardinal that sings to My Legbar girl on the other had, sings for everything, thought she was doing the egg song early, turned out she sings a good egg song for pooping...
. Neither of them has the right hip spread yet, but they aren't 20 weeks yet, just funny to hear a "poop song"!

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