The EE braggers thread!!!

It is.

But I also read that when eggs are stored pointy end up it doesn't stay fresh as long because over time a second air pocket will start to form in the pointy tip.

This is a quote I found from someone else
If you're going to eat them right away, then no difference. But the longer they'll be stored, the fresher they'll be if the air sac stays on top. This helps to retain the egg's moisture by not allowing a 2nd air pocket to develop on the pointy side.
It is.

But I also read that when eggs are stored pointy end up it doesn't stay fresh as long because over time a second air pocket will start to form in the pointy tip.

This is a quote I found from someone else
If you're going to eat them right away, then no difference. But the longer they'll be stored, the fresher they'll be if the air sac stays on top. This helps to retain the egg's moisture by not allowing a 2nd air pocket to develop on the pointy side.
Yep, exactly. They seem to stay fresh longer if stored fat end up. This is how the grocery store sells them as well.
Quote:Originally Posted by chicken pickin Hm. Cool fact!
Quote:Originally Posted by Penny Hen I love the color so much that I am considering painting a room in them. The walls the inside color and the trim the brown.
LOL. Chicken addiction. :p Martha Steward loves her ameruacanas so much she actually has a paint collection inspired by them!

Not the same deck, but a deck that probably has the 22 aruacana colors in there! Would take some sussing to find which ones perhaps

NOT that i'm an enabler or anything, LOL.
I have been eying my gray with a hint of green eggs and wishing to put it on my bedroom walls with some white linens and it WOULD go well with the cherry headboard......LOL.
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He's an Ameraucana breeding cull... I don't know if that means he's an EE or not!

He is a blue which is an allowable color but he lacks dark lacing on his feathers and so isn't show quality. But physically he looks like a fine rooster. If you are going to put him over EE hens or Marans to make Olive Eggers I wouldn't worry that his color isn't prime. And I would bill him as Ameraucana because it accurately describes his heritage.
you'll get nice Olive Eggers lindz! so nice!

on the egg shell color, my blue eggs and green eggs are all blue on the inside. my pinks and browns are white on the inside, I haven't done this since last year, and now have Marans eggs, I will have to peek at those the next time I crack one!

I cracked open a few eggs for supper last night. 2 were fertilized. good to know my rooster is "working"

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