The EE braggers thread!!!

We thought this may be a roo too
Wait a bit longer, those white ones can surprise you! If you look a bit further up, the white photobomber chicken in my picture had me convinced she was a Roo. She was more outgoing and that comb was soooo much more pink than the others. Needless to say, Spiderman turned into MJ and lays a pretty sage green egg!
Hi, my name is Lena. We have 8 EE chicks. It's our first time raising chickens. I can't wait to find out how many pullets and how many roos we have. We'll have to rehome the roos
here they ate at about 4 weeks.
If it helps, I was able to tell my roo at 4 weeks. We can't keep them either.
Here's a pic of him.
His comb is MUCH pinker/redder than my other 2 EEs and he's getting some pretty reddish and black/green feathers in
2nd pic is definitely a roo..

Same thing happened to me. All were supposed to be pullets and the one that looks just like the one in your picture started crowing one day.

I agree the one in the second picture is no doubt a cockerel

The reason it is a cockerel is the red comb and the pointy saddle feathers. Those long skinny pointy feathers by the base of the tail ate usually the first indication. If you look close at the others they should be shorter and blunt. Combs on a female won't redden until point of lay.
Hope this helps! :)

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