The EE braggers thread!!!

I'd love to see anyone and everyone's chick-adult pics. I love EE's and I'm curious about the colors of the chicks and how they turn out when they have matured

EE chicks March 2013

This is the dark chick on the right

The yellow chick turned out pure white and the other 3 chipmunk chicks are the common brown ones.
We'll it seems the mystery is solved. He's a boy. I wonder if he will have the same colors as yours.

I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it's a boy just yet. One of my pullets looked exactly like him/her when she was a chick


You can see her towards the top right


Her now

My solid grey "girl" chick however evolved into this

You just never know with EEs!!


Has anyone ever had an EE like the ones in these pics? (The dark one is the 2nd chick in my post earlier and the yellow with gold stripes is the 4th chick down) Ive been looking through chick to adult pics of EEs on here and I just cant seem to find any that start out like these two. Any ideas?


Has anyone ever had an EE like the ones in these pics? (The dark one is the 2nd chick in my post earlier and the yellow with gold stripes is the 4th chick down) Ive been looking through chick to adult pics of EEs on here and I just cant seem to find any that start out like these two. Any ideas?

I have had ones that look like both. There is no telling what they will look like. You could have two identical chicks turn out different
I have no idea what to expect. I'd never even seen them before I got these. I have 5 EEs but they are just 10 days old today. They sure are cute chicks...
This is Esther

This one is Matilda

And here we have Agatha...and yes, her back and the top of her head is blue!

Gladys, the busy body.

And my sweet Pearl.

Pearl and Gladys.
There sure seems to be a lot of "Partridge" EEs. Maybe they should be standardized into an ameracauna variety. or at least into the "EE breed"

Body shapes are all over the place. Would need to standardize that and skin and leg color. That wild type color is what most of the hatchery EEs come in. You'll get a few other random colors and looks depending on the hatchery. with a lot of work people could make it a new breed.
I think they mean to say wilid type color pattern, its a typical pattern that EEs come in even though they are mixes a lot of EEs still look very similar.

This is wild type, not partridge

And by body types being all over the place I think they mean that there is no standard that each EE chicken is tall or short, heavy set or very slender, tail held higher or lower, body shape boxy, wedged shaped etc. Easter Eggers come in all colors and sizes lay any color egg some have beards some don't some have pea combs some don't.

A flock of EEs will give you an assortment of chickens and an assortment of egg colors so nothing is wrong when it comes to an EE. No one EE is more correct than another. Some people will argue that a single combed EE is not good because it may not lay blue or green eggs while others love their singled combed EE.

But that is the fun of EEs, they are ALL different. EE will not end up with a standard and they will never be considered an actual breed. They are beautiful cross that lay any color egg.
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