The EE braggers thread!!!

I think as a parent of a 13 & 10 year old there isn't much I haven't seen. I've walked off and left buggy's full because they wouldn't behave in a store. The funniest thing that worked wonders happened with my son at about the age of 6 in a Sam's store. He decided we were going to buy him a Atlanta Falcon Pillow Pal no matter what. After being told no several times he started pitching a fit. You know the kind... I leaned over told him if he didn't stop right now I was going to embarrass him just like he was me. Well he didn't stop so it was time to make a believer of him. So as the husband and daughter went flying in the opposite direction. I took him by the leg so he couldn't run away. I laid my nearly 6 foot self down in the isle of that store and started kicking my feet, beating my free hand on the ground, slinging my head, crying, and pitching a superior fit. ...and I didn't turn him loose and I kept doing it. A lady came by with a child in a buggy and said "Oh my look at that little girl pitch a fit. How embarrassing!". Gave me a thumbs up and kept on shopping. After about five minuets of that I got my self up went to the bathroom gave my self a sink bath and slathered on germX. Now all I have to do is ask either of my kids if they want to go there again and they behave.

Now I'm sure there's a security video of it around some where I'm just waiting on it to go viral. So if you ever see a video of crazy lady pitching a fit in a store that would be me.
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I think as a parent of a 13 & 10 year old there isn't much I haven't seen. I've walked off and left buggy's full because they wouldn't behave in a store. The funniest thing that worked wonders happened with my son at about the age of 6 in a Sam's store. He decided we were going to buy him a Atlanta Falcon Pillow Pal no matter what. After being told no several times he started pitching a fit. You know the kind... I leaned over told him if he didn't stop right now I was going to embarrass him just like he was me. Well he didn't stop so it was time to make a believer of him. So as the husband and daughter went flying in the opposite direction. I took him by the leg so he couldn't run away. I laid my nearly 6 foot self down in the isle of that store and started kicking my feet, beating my free hand on the ground, slinging my head, crying, and pitching a superior fit. ...and I didn't turn him loose and I kept doing it. A lady came by with a child in a buggy and said "Oh my look at that little girl pitch a fit. How embarrassing!". Gave me a thumbs up and kept on shopping. After about five minuets of that I got my self up went to the bathroom gave my self a sink bath and slathered on germX. Now all I have to do is ask either of my kids if they want to go there again and they behave.

Now I'm sure there's a security video of it around some where I'm just waiting on it to go viral. So if you ever see a video of crazy lady pitching a fit in a store that would be me.
Thats such a good idea!!!
I think as a parent of a 13 & 10 year old there isn't much I haven't seen. I've walked off and left buggy's full because they wouldn't behave in a store. The funniest thing that worked wonders happened with my son at about the age of 6 in a Sam's store. He decided we were going to buy him a Atlanta Falcon Pillow Pal no matter what. After being told no several times he started pitching a fit. You know the kind... I leaned over told him if he didn't stop right now I was going to embarrass him just like he was me. Well he didn't stop so it was time to make a believer of him. So as the husband and daughter went flying in the opposite direction. I took him by the leg so he couldn't run away. I laid my nearly 6 foot self down in the isle of that store and started kicking my feet, beating my free hand on the ground, slinging my head, crying, and pitching a superior fit. ...and I didn't turn him loose and I kept doing it. A lady came by with a child in a buggy and said "Oh my look at that little girl pitch a fit. How embarrassing!". Gave me a thumbs up and kept on shopping. After about five minuets of that I got my self up went to the bathroom gave my self a sink bath and slathered on germX. Now all I have to do is ask either of my kids if they want to go there again and they behave.

Now I'm sure there's a security video of it around some where I'm just waiting on it to go viral. So if you ever see a video of crazy lady pitching a fit in a store that would be me.
That has to be one of the best tactics I've ever heard of.
Logging that one away! lol
He might not have been that old, but he still remembers it. Its been a long time since I've had to remind either of them if it. Now if I could just come up with something to keep them from fighting with each other. Maybe I need to recruit the DH to help and stage a pretend fight next time we go some where in public. I can just see it now us trying to explain to the police that we were facking it to embarrass our kids.
I think as a parent of a 13 & 10 year old there isn't much I haven't seen. I've walked off and left buggy's full because they wouldn't behave in a store. The funniest thing that worked wonders happened with my son at about the age of 6 in a Sam's store. He decided we were going to buy him a Atlanta Falcon Pillow Pal no matter what. After being told no several times he started pitching a fit. You know the kind... I leaned over told him if he didn't stop right now I was going to embarrass him just like he was me. Well he didn't stop so it was time to make a believer of him. So as the husband and daughter went flying in the opposite direction. I took him by the leg so he couldn't run away. I laid my nearly 6 foot self down in the isle of that store and started kicking my feet, beating my free hand on the ground, slinging my head, crying, and pitching a superior fit. ...and I didn't turn him loose and I kept doing it. A lady came by with a child in a buggy and said "Oh my look at that little girl pitch a fit. How embarrassing!". Gave me a thumbs up and kept on shopping. After about five minuets of that I got my self up went to the bathroom gave my self a sink bath and slathered on germX. Now all I have to do is ask either of my kids if they want to go there again and they behave.

Now I'm sure there's a security video of it around some where I'm just waiting on it to go viral. So if you ever see a video of crazy lady pitching a fit in a store that would be me.


I watched my moms sister do something like that to my younger brother back in the early 70's and you are right if I have to go with here some where to this day I behave and she is well into her 70's now and I am close to being 60 myself but I don't ever want to go through that .......
i'm new to having ee's at what age is the typical time they start laying eggs i know the general is around 20 weeks but i also know it differs with breeds

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