The EE braggers thread!!!

My 3 broodies have finally hatched their chicks out. In total there are 26. All of them are EE. Go to the site that is on my signature to see them. My broody coop has now got 48 chicks in total and 13 adults/ youngsters. That is 61 chickens in total. Can't wait for them all to grow up and to join the flock (except for the roosters)!!!!!!!
A girl on another thread had to cull her baby silkie that got wry neck and could not eat, drink etc, so there was a discussion on causes, including a drawing of vaulted skull and normal skull. It made me decide I wanted nothing to do with vaulted skulls. It makes them so much more vulnerable to brain injury, which sounds so heartbreaking. I'm not into showing, just having a healthy, beautiful and hardy flock. I would also really like a 'Silver Falcon' Easter Egger. It might have been on the other EE thread. It was gorgeous!
My EE, was the "free chick" by a hatchery. We call her Oddball, because she didn't match anything else we had at the time. She lays daily a jumbo spearmint colored egg. She is the leader of the hens and was raised by my black Orphenton. My Rooster also favors her. Her personality is standoffish, but she is a hardy, healthy strong hen whom we reluctantly came to love.

Recently we got her a roo

He is a 5 month old hatched from a pink tinted egg.

We call him Seagull.
Thats funny our EE Roo is named "OB"....which stands for Odd Ball because he was the only chick we did not know his breed..

Haha!purebred birds my left foot!Every "purebred" animal is made up of a whole bunch of different "breeds" that make up the bird to look the same as the breeder wished it,every "purebred" animal are Mutts,plain and simple!Shows are just vanity for people who want to believe their birds are better than Everyone Else's!
"Pure breds" are those breeds which breed true.
Livestock shows can to be used as a tool for teaching people how to raise their animals correctly. If you feed and care for them right, they will look good.
They are also great for learning breeding practices and principals.

In the Agricultural world , these and many other things are not just needed, but crucial to the success of an animal husbandry operation.

Yes they are taken to extremes at times, but people are competitive, and others enjoy the satisfaction of breeding and raising a bird to the Standard.

Personally I do not show birds, have no interest in it. I know people however who do & many of them are great people that have done much for our hobby!

Calling the shows nothing but vanity is about as ignorant as calling EE's "Mutts"....EE's are cross bred, the term "Mutt" may fit, but it is used mostly as a derogatory word & it is insulting.

SOOOO here I sit, insulted twice....great day on BYC
Turtlefeathers - you deffinately win the award for the most colorful yard!

Chickenaddict - your squirt is one of the cutest babies I've seen! and your cochine EE roo is really pretty, is he the daddy of squirt?

Ariel301 - your buffs look a lot like my Roy and your silver falcon looks a lot like the ones that come from the hatchery in our area Rustysgirl has some just like her - I love the look - perhaps we should "officially name that EE color the "Silver Falcon" ; where are you from?

Kansaseq - your pheasant colored gorls look just like mine . . . and I LOVE your buff roo in the background; where did you get him from? . . . if you ever want to sell him . . . /img/smilies/big_smile.png

Where do you live that a nearby hatchery has Silver Falcon EEs? I am planning my next year purchases and want more EEs, esp a nice silver one!!
Quote: lol, same thing.

As for purebreds and mutts.. To each his own beloved chickens! :)
I have both EEs and Amerucanas - learning about Amerucanas, and guess what! They are really not purebreds in the sense of consistently repeating type. They only have to repeat type 50% of the time, and the breeders cross other breeds in to strengthen type. I think I insulted the thread by calling Amerucanas "designer" chickens, though! I do love them, but 50% is not a purebred in my mind - like if you cross two SLW together you will get 100% SLW. Or am I still missing something? :)
I have both EEs and Amerucanas - learning about Amerucanas, and guess what!  They are really not purebreds in the sense of consistently repeating type.  They only have to repeat type 50% of the time, and the breeders cross other breeds in to strengthen type.  I think I insulted the thread by calling Amerucanas "designer" chickens, though!  I do love them, but 50% is not a purebred in my mind - like if you cross two SLW together you will get 100% SLW.  Or am I still missing something?  :)

What kind of Ameraucanas do not breed True? I have never heard that? If you breed like varieties you should get 100% of that variety ? The exception being anything "blue" or with the BBS gene. But that's just how that gene works, in any breed.
Here's something interesting.
Myth: Easter Eggers come from Ameraucanas & Araucanas. Either as out crosses or culls.
Truth; EEs have been around longer and both of those breeds were developed using Easter Eggers! As told by the Poultry men who developed the breeds!!
What kind of Ameraucanas do not breed True? I have never heard that? If you breed like varieties you should get 100% of that variety ? The exception being anything "blue" or with the BBS gene. But that's just how that gene works, in any breed.
Here's something interesting.
Myth: Easter Eggers come from Ameraucanas & Araucanas. Either as out crosses or culls.
Truth; EEs have been around longer and both of those breeds were developed using Easter Eggers! As told by the Poultry men who developed the breeds!!
You would think so. Mosey on over to the Amerucana thread...this is from the last few days:

"Except when you want to show them. Then you have to follow the breed standard rules. Like a person said a couple posts before, the breed standard says any bird that meets the Ameraucana standard and breeds true 50% of the time is an Ameraucana. But everyone is misreading that or does not understand it. I have some splash colors that breed true and I consider Ameraucana but everyone else calls them Easter eggers no matter what. I just gave up and am going all black."
Quote: That I do not believe to be a true statement, because of the statement "...the breed standard says..."...which is part of why the only "breed" thread I follow on BYC is this EE thread. But then we get into "What defines a breed" and......not going there!! LOL

That quote does not come from the breed standard, it comes from the Ameraucana Breeders club web site FAQ section. - look under "What are easter egg chickens"

Breed standards basically only define the Phenotype of a chicken to be shown, not neccassarily the Genotype. By "Breed Standard" if your EE fits the standard, it can be shown as an Ameraucana!
Now the standards set forth by the breed association apparently call for breeding true 50%....personally I'd call that a project that is not finished!
If you sell me a pair or trio as a breeder and say they are Variety "x" of Breed "Y" - I better be hatching chicks from them that are Variety "x" of Breed"Y" or your going to be seeing my face again!

Now again, with the BBS genes there is a difference because "blue" is not actually a color, it is a modification or "dilution" of black - again we're onto phenotypes and genotypes....

And an Ameraucana of one variety crossed with another Variety is not an Easter Egger, its a Mixed Variety Ameraucana and it will not breed true, because its not "pure"....some people seem to forget what the word "pure" means I think?

If you have a "Pure" bred Lavender Ameraucana, and you breed it to a "Pure" bred Lavender Ameraucana then you will most definitely get pure Lavendar Ameracaunas 100% of the HAVE to, no option...those are the only genes present! THAT is breeding true....50% is breeding, uhh, 50% true????...that's kind of like being "Half Pure"?? So she is kinda pregnant.......

AND all of that is why I Love my Pure Bred Easter Eggers!! :)
Ohh, and another thing on the Quote....That person said everyone else calls her Splash Ameraucanas Easter Eggers....that's not at all true?
I don't know who is calling her Splash AMs EE's, but any Ameraucana breeder whose worth a dime would call them Splash AMs.

I still do not understand why they Have blues in the Standard but not Splashes? Maybe because you cannot control the look of Splashes good enough? But you cannot breed blues without having some splashes??

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