The EE braggers thread!!!

My EE rooster just died due to sour crop
I was going to use him for breeding next year. I only have one other roo and I have 28 hens. How many hens can one roo handle to keep all of them fertile? I am so devastated.
I'm so sorry for your loss!

I lost my pet, cookie to impacted crop. It "turned" and passed all at once which near as i could tell poisoned her liver. She was the last survivor of her line :( vet said she could do no better than i was doing, but it hurts the same
One of my favorite EE girls hatched this spring

Hatched 1/27 she is a nice size and has a nice chest on her. Wider in the back and tail than her mother. Her very first egg is on the right. The one in the middle is from a pullet a month younger and much smaller. (the egg on the left is a first egg from the BCM photobombing the pic above). When my farmer's market closes the end of Sep I will be culling most of my layers, especially the small girls that are still laying small eggs. I'll be replacing them with pullets hatched from this girl and her mother. Looking to make EE that are a bit more dual purpose.
Impacted crop is when they get a crazy idea to eat non food items and they get stuck in the crop pouch. The stomach is further in. So my girl ate a huge wad of straw from the nest, an egg probably broke in there. The straw ball couldn't get through the pencil size opening to the stomach, and solid food couldn't either since the straw ball blocked it.. I used every method i could except surgery or puking her; i wanted a vet for surgery but no one was comfortable. Puking can give pneumonia. So the mass sours (rots), and gets soft. Then usually passes over a few days and at that point they need meds for whatever taint the mass has become- can be fungal or bacterial. Hers was bacterial and passed too fast and overloaded her body since she had been dealing with the impaction for 3 weeks and was too frail.
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We inherited six hens in June from a friend who was moving back to Sweden. She was not sure of the breeds. We have four distinct breeds, and have easily identified the two Buff Orpingtons.

I'm posting pictures of Meanie. (She lays beautiful pale blue/green eggs, but is by far the most aggressive in our flock particularly to the two "sweeties", a docile pair whose breed we have yet to identify.)

Meanie doesn't mind being picked up or petted, is social, quite chatty and a consistent layer. Looking at the breed threads, I'm having difficulty determining whether she's an Ameraucana or Easter Egger. Her comb is more rosy than red, but in real life, not as pale as shown in these photos (or my monitor). Her comb is also a bit larger/floppier than most of the others I see posted on this thread. Altogether she is nearly identical to a couple of photos posted on this thread with her small ear tufts, a long neck and narrow body. Her legs are slate grey colored. I'm so confused. I'd appreciate some expert opinions to help me identify her breed.

We inherited six hens in June from a friend who was moving back to Sweden. She was not sure of the breeds. We have four distinct breeds, and have easily identified the two Buff Orpingtons.

I'm posting pictures of Meanie. (She lays beautiful pale blue/green eggs, but is by far the most aggressive in our flock particularly to the two "sweeties", a docile pair whose breed we have yet to identify.)

Meanie doesn't mind being picked up or petted, is social, quite chatty and a consistent layer. Looking at the breed threads, I'm having difficulty determining whether she's an Ameraucana or Easter Egger. Her comb is more rosy than red, but in real life, not as pale as shown in these photos (or my monitor). Her comb is also a bit larger/floppier than most of the others I see posted on this thread. Altogether she is nearly identical to a couple of photos posted on this thread with her small ear tufts, a long neck and narrow body. Her legs are slate grey colored. I'm so confused. I'd appreciate some expert opinions to help me identify her breed.

She's an EE. All my hatchery birds had odd combs. It sounds like she's top hen keeping the others in line.

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