The EE braggers thread!!!

My young pullet went missing several weeks ago and showed up with several more additions

First hatch at 23 weeks with 14 hatch and the seconded hatch at 32 weeks old with 7 chicks

My young pullet went missing several weeks ago and showed up with several more additions :jumpy First hatch at 23 weeks with 14 hatch and the seconded hatch at 32 weeks old with 7 chicks :bun gander007 :old
That is wonderful! Pretty family, too. Also, roosterlew, thank you for the genetics lesson and everyone lucky enough to have roosters for breeding to share. What a fun thread!
No. They are both pullets and cockerels. You'll start seeing slight changes in the coloration in the cockerels a little later after hatch usually around three to four weeks.

Thanks for your answer! The pictures I keep seeing & the 2 that we had were girls, didn't know if it was coincidence or not.
Wow that's great...great Momma!!
Don't think I'd do well with the "missing for weeks"! Lol!!

Oh I did have a really low point for awhile as this is some of here last batch in July ...

This is her after a couple of days hatching ....

Teaching them to eat and drink .....

Even with all them chicks here she is adopting some more ...

In her new temporary home


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