The EE braggers thread!!!

Lost my EE rooter today. Not realty sure why but he started stumbling around the lat two or three days, and today was unable to walk at all, so I had to put him out. Kind of sad he was the fourth rooster of my original EE
rooster line. Now I have no son of his to replace him. I do have a couple of young ones though so I'm not roosterless.
Im so sorry to hear you lost your EE roo. It wont be long before the young ones fill his shoes. I know its not the same. Im so sorry.
Here are some pics of my "roo", whom I believe is a girl..... (sorry about the quality of the photos)
Looks just like my female.
I finally was able to get a good shot of my 24 week old roo, Marko.

Anyone else get the feeling he's giving me an evil eye?? :D

This little lady, Jasmine, finally laid her first egg on Thursday.
We had to put our wheaten cockerel in the time-out pen today. He's being WAY too rough on the girls. If he doesn't start calming down soon, he will be supper. Our silver boy is young and still a gentleman. He's learning much from the older rooster. ...... Smart boy even if he isn't the most handsome of the two :)

I had such high hopes for this guy.. His GORGEOUS blue legs.. those feathers.... but he sadly passed away yesterday morning. Autopsy showed his entire body cavity filled with fluid and a deformed heart.. so it's a good thing he never got around to breeding.


So disappointed!

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